Disney Infinity on Skylanders Portal?

Gary Gough

New Member
Original Poster
Hey so I got a PlayStation 3 for Christmas and it came with a bunch of games, one of which was Skylanders: Giants. The game was also accompanied by what I've read is referred to as the Portal of Power, the little stage on which you put the figurine characters.

I am more or less uninterested in the game Skylanders: Giants and am only planning to play it for research for my video game arts degree; however a game release that uses the same character figurine = in game character business model, Disney Infinity has piqued my interest. I've got a background of 2D and 3D animation study and all of Disney's films have really impressed me with the quality of characters and animation and I'm really interested in buying the game however---being a full time student studying the second year of a coursework based degree I don't have a lot of time for a job so money is tight. I'm just wondering if I can play Disney Infinity on the Portal I got with Skylanders: Giants or will I have to save and fork out for a Infinity pad too? The platform is PlayStation 3 if that's any help.

any assistance would be very helpful, thanks a lot ^^


Le Meh
Premium Member
Not sure I understand the question. You get the portal with the game when you buy the software. I don't think they sell the game without the portal.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
From what I have experienced so far, the portals are not compatible. You can not use Infinity figures on a Skylanders pad and vice versa. You will need to get the starter kit which includes the pad, software and a couple of figures to play Infinity.

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