Okay... so it's not totally Disney... but it relates back to our discussion on Disney Transport and Environmentality.
In response to an ongoing thought that busses using diesel fuel are not evironmentally friendly... I present the following... (I don't have an exact date, but I beleive it was written a year and a half ago)
Now, of our fleet, 184 busses have Detroit Diesel 6v92 engines, which replaced the older 6v71 engines. While cleaner than the 71 series, they're still not as environmentally friendly as todays engines.
10 of our RTS's use Detroit Diesel series 50 engines, which are turbo charged 4 cylinder engines... they don't smoke, they are much cleaner, and are actually faster than the older 6-cyl 6v92 series. However, they are still 8 years old... so they're not up to par with current technology.
Our Nova busses use Detroit Diesel series 40 engines, which are turbo charged 6cyl engines, and are pretty clean burning. However, they are 1-2 years old. Busses of the future hopefully will take more advantage of the cleaner diesel engines.
In response to an ongoing thought that busses using diesel fuel are not evironmentally friendly... I present the following... (I don't have an exact date, but I beleive it was written a year and a half ago)
Today's diesel engines are 20 to 30% more fuel efficient and also emit 60 to 80% fewer exhaust emissions. Next year, with the help of low sulfur diesel fuel and soot filters, the engines will be cleaner than natural gas engines (lower PM emissions) and in 2002 their NOx emissions will be about the same as CNG engines, making them better than or at least equivalent to the best alternative fuel engines, for a lot less money and with a much higher reliability.
Now, of our fleet, 184 busses have Detroit Diesel 6v92 engines, which replaced the older 6v71 engines. While cleaner than the 71 series, they're still not as environmentally friendly as todays engines.
10 of our RTS's use Detroit Diesel series 50 engines, which are turbo charged 4 cylinder engines... they don't smoke, they are much cleaner, and are actually faster than the older 6-cyl 6v92 series. However, they are still 8 years old... so they're not up to par with current technology.
Our Nova busses use Detroit Diesel series 40 engines, which are turbo charged 6cyl engines, and are pretty clean burning. However, they are 1-2 years old. Busses of the future hopefully will take more advantage of the cleaner diesel engines.