Some years ago, Fox created a scifi drama series called Terra Nova… the plot was in a dystopian, polluted future of the 2100’s AD, mankind’s last hope was to create a time machine and travel back to the Cretaceous period for a new beginning.
Sadly, it was done in by the sad combination of middling interest against a ballooning budget; Fox pulled the plug after just one 13-episode season.
However there are a number of factors that could make it right for Animal Kingdom…
1. Disney now owns Fox
2. Time travel is a major plot device; we already have this with the Time Rovers
3. The series is based off humans trying to survive both the Dino’s and each other to create a better, more ecological civilization to help ward off the dystopian future.
4. Guess what the big bad dinosaur is?
CARNOTAURUS, which is already featured as the big bad of Dinosaur!
Besides, Disney can do well to dust off mostly-dead franchises for new rides and lands. (See: Tron) is
Sadly, it was done in by the sad combination of middling interest against a ballooning budget; Fox pulled the plug after just one 13-episode season.
However there are a number of factors that could make it right for Animal Kingdom…
1. Disney now owns Fox
2. Time travel is a major plot device; we already have this with the Time Rovers
3. The series is based off humans trying to survive both the Dino’s and each other to create a better, more ecological civilization to help ward off the dystopian future.
4. Guess what the big bad dinosaur is?
CARNOTAURUS, which is already featured as the big bad of Dinosaur!
Besides, Disney can do well to dust off mostly-dead franchises for new rides and lands. (See: Tron) is