

Original Poster
Finally, if you check out Orlandorocks, the foundation is started for Triceratop Spin. Now, the interesting work happens. Is there any chance it'll be done by the end of the year? How fast did Aladdin go up?

I have mixed feelings about Dino-Rama. Hopefully the rides will be done well and will be fun rides. I'm not really sure if they belong in Animal Kingdom among cutting edge rides like Dinosaur and Kilamanjaro Safaris. It might kind of wreck the whole
"Dino Excavation Town" theme, but I think it'll be pretty cool and Disney will probably market Primeval Whirl as being a "Roller Coaster" and people will flock to the park, and find out how great a park it is.

What Y'all think?


New Member
It sounds like Dinorama will be popular with kids. But for everyone else, nothing very exciting. With all the problems Muholland Madness had, I don't know why they're building another wild mouse type coaster. :confused:


Well-Known Member
A friend of my sister is one of the folks in charge of this project. She said that Triceratops Spin, along with most of the new area, should be opened by the end of this year. The new coaster should be opened around spring of next year.


Well-Known Member
This is going to be a very poor addition to Animal Kingdom. First, they have a spinner ride that is at Magic Kingdom already (in three forms) and a cheap Mouse coaster. I want Beastly Kingdom. I want Dragons and Unicorns and Fantasia characters..If those executives had any imagination at all, any risk taking guts at all, they would greenlight it. Disney may be for kids, but they've been trying to cater to older crowds these days with ToT and RnRC. I think they should keep trying along these lines if they want to compete with Busch Gardens and tell teenagers that Disney can be "cool" sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Sketch105, you really hurt me with some of those comments.

A) Cheap mouse coaster? Wild Mouse coasters are cool! Kinda like Big Thunder- smaller drops, but still thrilling.
B) If the executives did not have any imagination, Disney would not be here in the first place.
C) Beastly Kingdom has been given the green light. Be patient. It will come. You can't just expect it to pop up tomorrow.
D) Disney is for FAMILIES not KIDS.
E) Disney is not trying to compete against Busch Gardens as a roller coaster park.
F) I am a teenager and I don't think Disney is cool SOMETIMES, I think it is cool ALL THE TIME.


New Member
I agree with you sillyspook 13. I have been gowing to the park since it opened in 1971 and still cant get enough. These 2 rides will be good additions for the kids (or anyone who becomes a kid at WDW) since the only other ride in that area is Dinosaur. After that IT IS QUITE a hike to Asia or Africa.

By the way, what is Muldholland Madness (sp?) that you guys refer to as having had problems as a wild mouse coaster.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jazcatsnh
I agree with you sillyspook 13. I have been gowing to the park since it opened in 1971 and still cant get enough. These 2 rides will be good additions for the kids (or anyone who becomes a kid at WDW) since the only other ride in that area is Dinosaur. After that IT IS QUITE a hike to Asia or Africa.

By the way, what is Muldholland Madness (sp?) that you guys refer to as having had problems as a wild mouse coaster.
Mulholland Madness is a Wild Mouse type coaster at DCA. Since it was Disney's first attempt at this type of coaster, it had its share of problems. Now that Disney has worked with that type of ride, Primeval Whirl should work out a lot better.


Well-Known Member
My answer to all of you Mouse coaster fans..

I am sorry to have offended anybody but these are my views

1.) Disney is capable of higher quality attractions
2.) I like Six Flags and Fair type coasters. I don't believe they belong at Disney World. If Disney were to make something like Superman: Ride of Steel and theme it (building it in a mountain, having a story told with special effects, etc.) Then I won't be disappointed
3.) The executives I'm talking about are the ones who greenlight the projects TO MAKE MONEY. The Imagineers at the ones who think all these great ideas up. Even if they're great ideas, they won't be greenlight because of the bottom line.

4.) Times have changed, guys. The people who produced Disneyland and the Magic Kindgom, before Eisner's reign, kept quality and quantity at even levels.

Magic Kingdom attractions: 56 DCA: 22

These are two examples. One owas a park made by Walt Disney himself, a risk taker who , despite his brother's whoas about costs, built Disneyland. The other was a nice little park dreamed up by Eisner with little attractions opening day. It was good, but the quantity and quality decreased. With Disney's California Adventure, and the new Dino-Rama! at AK, Disney is going to continue to stop doing unique attractions. Why build a Paris Space Mountain when you can build a Mad Mouse? Why build an inexpensive Buzz Lightear when we can put in another spinner attraction

The simple fact is, I can't see why the same people who think up great E-Tickets (Indiania Jones at DL, Tower of Terror) and cool "kids" stuff (note that I put it in quotes, for I am technically a kid at heart) such as Fantasmic! and Buzz Lightyear are now putting
very un-unique and simple "off the shelf attractions." As much as people will say that the dark rides and coasters of Disneyland are also "off the shelf attractions", Disney raised the bar on them. now they just add another coat of paint and some decoration (Take DCA...Please!) and voila! Imagineering genuis? I don't think so. These bottom liners at the top have to think this one over

Even if Disney were to put a Mad Mouse coaster, make it something different, ground breaking and risk taking. When they made Disney's California Adventure, the coasters and rides were not spectacular additions that Six Flags would even want. The Golden Zephyre is closed most of the time due to 5 mph winds. Theres a reason not a lot of parks have this ride anymore! The coaster has nothing different about it, not even a musical soundtrack orthemed building..its just a medium coaster with a Mickey Mouse symbol on it. THats it! This stuff doesn't belong in a Disney park, and the executives want to put it in so they don't take any risks.

Look at Rock N Rollercoaster. Look at Tower of Terror. These wereless than 2-5 years ago. Look at what Tokyo Disnyseas: Everything from the Arabian Carouselto the Journey to the Center of the Earth attraction look like something I want over our side of the pond.

I'm not knocking the Mad mouse. They can be cool. In travelling carnivals. Heck, I like carnivals, since they sometimes are the closest thing to me next to Disney World. But I don't expect a company that made a family attraction like Splash Mountain or Time Keeper, or Legend of the Lion King to start pumping out thsee non Dinsye type attractions. Whay made Disney uniquewas that they weren't exactly similiar to other parks. They raised the bar


Well-Known Member
Disney should not be full of E-ticket rides only. You must consider that people have different tastes in rides. Not everybody likes rides that create "-clenching fear" in everybody who lays eyes upon them. I know I sure don't. And I am one of those teenagers that those types of rides should be appealing to. I know I will be first in line for Primeval Whirl. Heck, I went on Aladdin's Magic Carpets 6 times the day it opened. Disney gets its share of E-ticket attractions, but you must consider the fact that Animal Kingdom has only that. They have NO rides yet that just scream out "kid friendly". Plus, the Dino-Rama area is themed to a traveling carnival. That is why it has carnival rides and midway games.


Well-Known Member
I am hurt by your very unkind words Spooky13. I am very well aware that Disney built an empire on family entertainment which made it very different from the amusement parks. I like the E-tickets simply because they show the amount of detail and thought that goes into making an attraction on a much grander scale than some of the simpler attractions.

Let me say this again: If Disney were to make an attraction along the lines of Buzz Lightyear, Peter Pan, Fantasmic, or any other kid friendly attractions, then it would fine. But they simply supplant a kid friendly attraction that everybody else has, and it is unfortunate.

The reason Disney caters to many tastes is because they created the magic in rides such as Winnie the Pooh, Dumbo (though I don't think they need another spinner ride) Jungle Cruise, and the Autopia. They provide oppurtunities for them to experience things that they normally couldn't, like drive or fly on an elephant or travel to a far off place.

I never said only E-tickets..if you had read more closely, I tried to clarify that in my earlier statement. I use Tower of Terror as an example because I know a lot of people my age without kids have never been on Peter Pan or Snow White's Adventures (although I love both of them).

Besides, There are all types of kids. Some want pure fun and adventure, some want to be scared, and some just want to be entertained wihtout fear of scary things or thrills. There are Kids like E-tickets too. They want to be like grown ups as they get older. Haven't you ever heard a kid say "When I grow up, I want to go on the big ride!". Have you ever seen a kid walk away form an attraction because he was tall enough. They have the biggest frowns. Its a huge disappointment to them.

Of course, AK has plenty of them, already as you said. Even the kid friendly advertisements for "Its tough to be a bug" are misleading. All they get is another Lion King show and some character greeting spots?

Its great that they want to provide for kids..But kids can go to a carnival any day of the week. They should be allowed to expand their imagination a bit. Thats what Disney does: expand the imagination of kids and adults.

Maybe the coaster should be encased in a giant dinosaur building, in which kids walk under the neck of a huge brachiasaur, then enter into a car that takes them back to the dinosaur age. Its like Dinosaur without the darkness, the scares, or the meteors. The cars are like the safari jeeps, and they simulate a simpler off road experience (like when you go over bumpy stones, you make their voice stutter funny instead of throwing them from side to side. The go down and up hills fast enough for them to go "wheee!!!" and around sharp turns that make their parents go "hold on!" They travel past friendly Triceratops, past waterfalls and down into a canyon where they past a sleeping Carnotaur and quietly exit. Thats an experience.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
I am hurt by your very unkind words Spooky13.

Maybe I missed something but I didn't notice anything unkind about what Sillyspook13 said, it was just her opinion.

I think that we all need to settle down and remember that everyone here loves Disney. But, each of us have our own opinions. It isn't anything personal. In my experience the people on this board are very friendly and don't set out to attack people who have different opinions. Now that's just my opinion :)


Well-Known Member
Just in case anybody wonders about the story behind Dino Rama (actually it is the story behind all of Dinoland):

The Dino Institute and Chester & Hester were always competing to have the best dinosaur exhibit. The Dino Institute had the ability to send people back to the age of the dinosaurs, and had even brought a dinosaur to the present!:p Chester & Hester only had a tacky gift shop (a la highway 192) and some dinos made out of recycled goods. But they also had a traveling carnival. One day they decided to bring this dino-themed carnival to Animal Kingdom, all in the name of friendly (?) competition. After all, everybody loves a carnival, and there is no better way to win some visitors than a dinosaur themed fun spot. Thus, Dino Rama was born!:cool:


New Member
I agree with sillyspook, and I'm glad that dino-rama is going in. everyone would complain if the teacups was removed, everyone would scream and yell is the carousel was taken out, and everyone was all upset when the skyway was taken out. And ALL these are cheap carny rides, just spruced up, and sprinkled with some magic. And yet, when we add a new carny ride, everyone gets all defensive, though I shouldn't say everyone. I'm not saying that they should have added alladin, I think they could've come up with something better. But look at animal kingdom. It's 4 rides are ALL e-ride, and they need to achieve a balance of e-rides and smaller, side attractions, like magic kingdom has. I also think that people are judging this a little prematurely, and should wait till it opens up.
Also, Disney realized that AK isn't doing too good, the attendance dropped pretty quick, and before dropping the money and time into beastly kingdom, which would take a good three years to do right, I think they went for a quicker approach to add more rides onto the map. I know that the next post is going to be "Exactly what I mean, disney was looking for a quick fix" exactly, they needed it. Disney does have to make ends meet, and I see this dino-rama as a way to fund bigger things like beastly kingdom.

Sketch, how many attractions did magic kingdom have when it FIRST opened? DCA is a BRAND new theme park, and is just starting its life, and I think it'll do just fine. Mgm opened with what, like 7 attractions? And look at it now! Its one of my favorite places! Give things time. I am a firm believer that beastly kingdom will come like a messiah for AK, just have faith, I don't think eisner is so evil that he will deny his new baby this much needed add-on.
Have faith, my friends, have faith.


Well-Known Member
Almost every time I go to Animal Kingdom, I hear little kids crying about how much they hate it. It will be nice when the park has more for the little ones to do.


New Member
Sketch makes a lot of good points. The main reason Disney is having so many problems right now is that they are being cheap and a lot of Disney fans are starting to finally realize it. Look at the Studios as an example. The last two E-ticket rides to go in there were Tower of Terror and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Look at the difference in quality there! ToT has excellent theming and is a fun ride from start to finish. RnRC is in a boring building, the theming is cheap and mostly two-dimensional and the ride is boring beyond belief, except for the first 15 seconds.

Dino-rama is a perfect example of this. More imagination is going into the story behind this addition than into the attractions here. Since AK opened most of the exit polls that Disney has taken say the same thing: "There isn't enough to do!" So Disney decides they are going to build rides that last a couple minutes max??? I guess letting them wait in line is something to do!

Disney doesn't seem to be learning their lessons. AK opened and crowds flocked to see the new Disney park. Then they realized they were being gypped since they were paying the same as the other three parks and they didn't bother coming back. So they went and built DCA, the same EXACT way, only cheaper, and they are shocked that no one is visiting! California is not Orlando, there are a billion things to do there besides pay way too much for a little tiny park. Now even Epcot is having attendance problems due to the fact that there is nothing ever new there! (Don't get me started on Journey Into Your Imagination!)

The golden rule of business is: You have to spend money to make money. Walt knew this. Universal knows this (look how well IOA is doing now, and it is YOUNGER than AK.) Disney forgot this and they are now paying the price. To have six theme parks in this country and have THREE of them doing poorly attendance-wise is a first in Disney history. They need to open up their checkbooks and create something for the REAL average American family... which would be parents with TEENAGE children. Besides, it is a well-known fact in the theme park world that kiddie rides do not increase attendance. (Even Lego Land just added a roller coaster, fer cripes sake!)


Premium Member
Originally posted by LaffnStock
Sketch makes a lot of good points. The main reason Disney is having so many problems right now is that they are being cheap and a lot of Disney fans are starting to finally realize it. Look at the Studios as an example. The last two E-ticket rides to go in there were Tower of Terror and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Look at the difference in quality there! ToT has excellent theming and is a fun ride from start to finish. RnRC is in a boring building, the theming is cheap and mostly two-dimensional and the ride is boring beyond belief, except for the first 15 seconds.

Dino-rama is a perfect example of this. More imagination is going into the story behind this addition than into the attractions here. Since AK opened most of the exit polls that Disney has taken say the same thing: "There isn't enough to do!" So Disney decides they are going to build rides that last a couple minutes max??? I guess letting them wait in line is something to do!

Disney doesn't seem to be learning their lessons. AK opened and crowds flocked to see the new Disney park. Then they realized they were being gypped since they were paying the same as the other three parks and they didn't bother coming back. So they went and built DCA, the same EXACT way, only cheaper, and they are shocked that no one is visiting! California is not Orlando, there are a billion things to do there besides pay way too much for a little tiny park. Now even Epcot is having attendance problems due to the fact that there is nothing ever new there! (Don't get me started on Journey Into Your Imagination!)

The golden rule of business is: You have to spend money to make money. Walt knew this. Universal knows this (look how well IOA is doing now, and it is YOUNGER than AK.) Disney forgot this and they are now paying the price. To have six theme parks in this country and have THREE of them doing poorly attendance-wise is a first in Disney history. They need to open up their checkbooks and create something for the REAL average American family... which would be parents with TEENAGE children. Besides, it is a well-known fact in the theme park world that kiddie rides do not increase attendance. (Even Lego Land just added a roller coaster, fer cripes sake!)

Gotta disagree on the comments that IOA is doing better than AK - here are the attendence figures from 2000. You'll see that AK is doing considerably better than IOA.

Magic Kingdom
15.4 million

Epcot Center
10.6 million

Disney-MGM Studios
8.9 million

Disney’s Animal Kingdom
8.3 million

Universal Studios at Universal Orlando
8.1 million

Islands of Adventure at Universal Orlando
6.0 million

SeaWorld of Florida
5.2 million

I would also disagree on you saying that RnR is boring beyond belief. RnR has had the highest rated guest exit polls of any attraction at WDW. It now regularly has longer lines that ToT (probably based on it being newer) - but it is VERY popular. It may not have the aggression of somehting like Hulk or DD, but it is a great middle ground "family" coaster.


Original Poster
I agree Steve!

Rock N' Roller Coaster is great! it has the coolest queue line (I want a marble door for my room) and I love the loading area. The theming is perfect, and its my fave at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I live close enough to six flags great adventure that I worked there two summers, and I never go (unless I'm chaperoning a field trip, which happens). I don't like those kinds of aggressive thrill rides, nor do i care for the clientele those kinds of rides attract. I have no problems with teens, either--I teach high school because I think teens are great. But people looking for that kind of stimulation aren't usually the same people soaking up the theming of Disney's parks....I'm overgeneralizing here, but if Disney turns into a six flags, I don't need to make a pilgrimage to florida anymore...

And despite my hating things that go upside-down, I liked the RnR... :)

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