The credit card hold policy with dining reservations isn't really intended to cost you more. It is simply to show that you have the intention of actually showing up at the restaurant. As long as someone shows up, you won't be charged the fee.
This wasn't the case in April, last month. We had 3 show on a ressie for 4 and there was no charge. We were told as long as 'someone' shows-no charge.How old is your information? I talked to two Cms on the phone at Disney dining reservations recently for our trip in may and they told me the opposite. If you have a credit card hold and have a party of 4 and show up with 3 they now will charge you 10 a person for those who dont show up. I would in practice you could talk to the cm hostess but im pretty certain this now the policy.
And the CMs you talked to are dead wrong. The official Disney World policy is that you simply have to honor your reservation, the number that show for the reservation does not matter it's just required that at least one does. It's right in the official language and the give several examples in their FAQ. Got a copy when I had to make reservations with a cc two weeks ago. The phone CMs are in call centers that could be 100s of mile from Disney and frankly give inaccurate info frequently.How old is your information? I talked to two Cms on the phone at Disney dining reservations recently for our trip in may and they told me the opposite. If you have a credit card hold and have a party of 4 and show up with 3 they now will charge you 10 a person for those who dont show up. I would in practice you could talk to the cm hostess but im pretty certain this now the policy.
Good to know. I thought it was strange bc you would hAve a major customer service issue with that not to mention a lot of disputed charges. Seems as though cms on the phone are gettingbto be as bad as the website or app, pick your poison.And the CMs you talked to are dead wrong. The official Disney World policy is that you simply have to honor your reservation, the number that show for the reservation does not matter it's just required that at least one does. It's right in the official language and the give several examples in their FAQ. Got a copy when I had to make reservations with a cc two weeks ago. The phone CMs are in call centers that could be 100s of mile from Disney and frankly give inaccurate info frequently.
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