Dec 9 2002 Site Update: Space Mountain Sign Error


New Member
I'm usually really good at picking out spelling errors....Did they just recently put that sign up? I've never seen that mistake before, but I haven't been on Space Mountain in about 2 years (always rehabbing :cry: ).



Account Suspended
This is terrible. I'm a real stickler for spelling and grammar errors. Can't believe that I've never noticed this, but I generally don't read warning signs anyway.

Who can we contact to get this fixed? This is definately not something that should continue at Disney!



Premium Member
Original Poster
Well it is very much out in the open now, so hopefully a SM CM may see it here and can get it sorted :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Well it is very much out in the open now, so hopefully a SM CM may see it here and can get it sorted :)

Nah... that might cost too much to replace. :hammer:

We still have busses that say "DIXIE LANDINGS" instead of Riverside... Only takes 5 mins to reprogram it... but that's 5 mins of labor that we can't afford. :brick:


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Nah... that might cost too much to replace. :hammer:

We still have busses that say "DIXIE LANDINGS" instead of Riverside... Only takes 5 mins to reprogram it... but that's 5 mins of labor that we can't afford. :brick:

This is way minor, but don't forget "CTX" on the Time Rovers at Dinosaur. :lol:
Yeah I have never seen this sign ever before. I ride SM every time i go to Disney and dont even recognize this sign. Well im goin really soon andil look then.


New Member
My dad and I saw that when we were there two weeks ago. We thought it was funny and was glad my mom did not want to ride because if she would have saw that she would have had a fit. (She likes everything spelled correctly and gramer wise correct.)


New Member
Shame shame shame!

They also did a grammar mistake in Spanish in the Halloween maps and information about the storytellers. They had written "El muerte" as the name of the storyteller in Mexico, but it should be "La muerte" as it´s a "she"! I told them at the proper time, but I guess they didn´t hear us, because it was done again the next years... :(


Well-Known Member
space mountain sign

The sign is now gone and has been for a few months. It is now another picture of some galaxy far far away.


I will add a link to a couple of video clips also.


Well-Known Member
Video clip of both the mistake and fixed sign

Here is a video clip of both the mistake and fixed sign before being removed altogether a few months later with another picture of a galaxy.

I wanted everyone to be able to see this with no charge since it is small enough not to effect my bandwidth useage, well hopefully.


Video Clip


Well-Known Member
Nice video ScottNJ1966!
That’s the only drawback to spell check programs, they need an intent check program. I guess they could have spelled it WOOD!

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