The new Toy Story show was to have formally opened for the Thanksgiving weekend later this fall. But the Hollywood Pictures Backlot section of the park is the leading candidate for a more thorough remake after Cars Land opens in 2012, as WDI rechristens that area Hollywoodland, and the ugly and utilitarian flanks of the Hyperion Theatre are tops on the Imagineering list of past sins that should be atoned for there. The fear was that if TDA spends some of its own budget to spruce up the existing theater a bit and install a popular new show in that theater, that it would be very difficult to shut down the facility for a major year-long rehab just a couple of years later.
So the Aladdin musical will stay for now, with the new Red Car Trolley tracks soon to be laid out front sprucing up the streetscape of the rest of that area and introducing a more lush and more period-specific look. WDI continues to polish up their plans to reskin the front of the Hyperion Theatre after Cars Land is done, and enclose the southern side of the building and give the big theater a proper and very luxurious themed lobby from Hollywood’s golden age.
The other goal with the Hyperion Theatre lobby project is to close off the street view of the bland and sprawling cement waiting area and create a themed streetscape environment on that short path that leads towards Tower of Terror. And when that Hyperion Theatre / Hollywoodland Phase 2 project gets underway, then Disneyland’s Entertainment Department will use that downtime to mount an all new stage show to replace Aladdin.
It’s a good thing that a longer term outlook was used here, and it also bodes well for the fast-tracking and funding of the next phase of DCA’s rebirth after Cars Land.