

New Member
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I wanted to say a few more words about D23, which is relevant in this forum since D23 sponsors "One Man's Dream" at DHS.

There has been a lot of D23 bashing over the past couple of years, and I think a lot of it stems from people on those OTHER (ahem) fan boards, but there's been quite a lot of complaining here, too. People will spend $400 on an annual pass or $75 for a Tables in Wonderland card but they somehow think a D23 membership is a bad value at $75.

I know you've probably "done the math," so to speak, if you're reading this. People say "Well, the magazine is $15.99 and I can buy it at Barnes & Noble, so I will just do that when it comes out." OK, that's true. But you don't get it delivered to your mailbox, not every bookstore carries it, and it doesn't come with the D23 surprise gift that every issue comes with. (I think all but two have had a gift and those were at the very beginning.) The magazine alone is $64, and let's assume the gift is only a $5 cost to Disney (even though WDW would probably charge $15 or $20 for each item that comes!!) then that is $84 in "stuff" for $75.

So even if you don't want the certificate or the membership card or you don't go to events, a D23 membership pays for itself right there alone.

No, I have not been to a SINGLE event. This is not just because I don't live in California or Florida, but because the events honestly don't hold that much appeal to me. Even if they brought them to where I live every single week I probably wouldn't go. But it seems to me many REALLY hardcore fans DO live in CA or FL based on what I read here, so that's great for them. Do you need to live in CA or FL to get the most of your D23 dollar? I don't think so at ALL.

Then if you haven't noticed lately D23 has been offering all sorts of discounts. You can get discounts when you buy THQ videogames (and not JUST Disney videogames), you can get $23 off at Brookstone (this is going to be good at Christmas), you can get 10% off at SuperShuttle -- anywhere they go not just at WDW, you can save money at "Mary Poppins" on Broadway or "Lion King" in Vegas if you happen to be heading there.

These are discounts for ANY D23 member, you don't HAVE to live in CA or FL to get them and they are good through promo codes online. To me, that's a pretty good additional reason to become a D23 member -- to save money. I don't see these kinds of discounts being offered to AP holders, with the exception of $2 off at AMC Downtown Disney. It seems like lately D23 has been adding MORE discounts, so maybe there are even more coming.

And finally, I do plan to try to get tickets to the Disney Studios tour sometime this year because we are planning a trip to L.A. Which, by the way, makes me also want to say that in addition to the discounts I mentioned earlier there are also a bunch of discounts on things to do in LA and Hollywood which has made planning this trip quite interesting!! But the Disney Studios is closed to the public. Four times a year D23 members can get in for a tour and there are also movies that are shown at the studio for D23 members. If you are planning a trip to LA even ONCE, then D23 is pretty much the only way you can get into see the Disney studios for a tour. That alone is something that no one other than D23 could possibly do for fans.

But to me the magazine is the very very best thing about D23. I read each issue cover to cover at least once and then flip through it looking at the photos ALOT. I enjoy it tremendously. It's well written, it looks beautiful and it's fun to read.

I wish D23 had a website with a chat room or at least that you could comment on the stories. I wish they would do something online for members. It can't be THAT hard to create a website where people can chat and talk, all you need to do is go to Blogger.com!!!! So I really really don't understand why Disney can't do this.

But D23 to me is a great experience. I love being a member of the "Official Disney Fan Club." I also love being on different forums and fan sites but those are completely different things.

There is SO MUCH D23 bashing yet hardly anyone ever notices that if D23 went away and Disney just threw in the towel on it, then Disney wouldn't have ANY official fan club. I'm glad they have something, at least! If they had nothing.....that would suck. (And yes I do like reading the Disney Parks blog but that's just one blog. I kind of wish D23 was officially involved in it somehow.) Bottom line: D23 could be better, but it is pretty good and actually very very much worth the $75 a year I pay....which I justify by saying it's actually only six dollars a month, that's one Starbucks visit each month I don't make .......just one! http://forums.wdwmagic.com/images/smilies/laughing-smiley-014.gif

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