D. Tracy's Crime Stoppers rebirth! My first attraction ride through


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Dick Tracy's Crime Stoppers

As some of you Disney fans know, this ride was a concept for MGM Studios back when Disney made a live action movie inspired by the old comics. It was to be a shooter ride a la Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. However, the movie was a flop, and the idea was abandoned (it is one weird movie if you ever get a chance to see it). This attraction is a rebirth of this concept.

As you walk down the street, you come across an old bill board: "Dick Tracy wants YOU to join the fight on crime! Apply today!". Curious, you follow the arrow which points to a New York apartment-like building. You walk toward two lines, one has a sign saying "Viewing Area", the other says "Apply Within". You, of course, want to go fight crime so you take the latter path. The queue has you walk through Dick Tracy's Hall of Infamy, where you can view newspaper clippings and artifacts from Dick Tracy's many capers.

After enjoying the exhibits, you come to an office door with the name "Dick Tracy" across the glass. "Come in!" says a voice behind the door as it opens automatically. A Cast Member invites you and 19 others to enter Mr. Tracy's large office, guiding you and 9 others to stand on one side of a line in the floor, and the other 10 on the other side. Inside, Tracy's desk is against the far wall with Dick Tracy himself behind the desk, looking at files. He glances up, noticing that all of the guests have entered, and says, "So, these are the recruits, eh? Perfect! We don't have much time so listen up! My sources tell me that something big is brewing in the under world tonight... something... sinister. We don't know what is going to happen, but we do know that we don't have the guns to handle it. That's why we are asking you all to help us out! We need to divide you into two groups, A - team and B - team. The A - team will be patrolling the West side of town and the B - team will be watching the East side by the docks. As soon as any of you see anything, I want to know as soon as possible. Hopefully you mugs have some experience with firearms? No? Well, we will need to give you some basic training; we don't know what to expect tonight. A - team, head out the door on your side to meet up with Betty, she will get you loaded out with some gats and bullet-proof vests. B - team, you head out the door on your side to meet up with Ralphie. I am counting on you, ladies and gentlemen, to help keep our city safe. Now get going! There's no time to lose!"

As part of the A - team, you go to the next room to the armory where Betty gives you a debriefing on your gear. Everyone on the A - team is given a "Bullet-proof" vest and a standard issue handgun. Betty says, "All right, gang, you heard Tracy, we're in charge of the West side, so stick close, we don't want to see any action, but we have no idea what's going to happen. Let's head out!" You and the A - team follow Betty "outside" into an alley where you find that it is already night time in the city. Flickering street lights and the odd window light are the only lights around, while the sounds of the city have died down for the night. The alley does not smell very pleasant, and there are some rats hanging around some garbage.

You and the A - team follow Betty through the alley and up to a large warehouse. "Something ain't right here, you see those lights in there? We need to check it out!" Betty tests a large door on the side of the warehouse, which creaks open to a dark room. The A -team sneaks into the darkness, and once everyone is inside, the warehouse door closes. In the darkness, Betty says "Hang tight, and don't make a sound! Something definitely ain't right here..." Suddenly, the dim lights turn on to reveal Ralphie and the B - team armed with bullet proof vests.... and Tommy Guns! "Come on, ya bunch of mugs, stick em up! We was never with Tracy the whole time! We got an offer we couldnt refuse, and now we'ze gonna pump ya full of lead!" "I never liked you, Ralphie, so we'll see who pumps who full of lead!" Betty fires her gun at a power box on the wall, knocking the power out, but the emergency power kicks on, bringing the lights to an eery dimness. Your vest lights up, your handgun is activated, and the fight is on!

You and the A -team have been thrust into a turf war against the traitors from the B - team! The A - team is armed with 6 shot burst handguns, while the B - team is armed with 20 shot tommy guns. After you run out of bullets, the gun has a cool down time to reload. The handguns are much more accurate with a faster cool down, while the tommy guns are less accurate with a slower cool down. If you shoot someone in the vest once with the handgun or 5 times with the tommy gun, they are temporarily knocked out for 7 seconds until their vest lights up again. Each hit gives the shooter 100 points and each time you are hit you lose 50 points. Friendly fire is never on.

After 10 minutes, the guns are deactivated and the score is tallied up. If the gangsters win, reinforcements show up, throw on the lights, and force the A - team to abandon the warehouse. If the A- team wins, Tracy and the boys show up and the good guys win. Both teams are then escorted out through the winners side of the warehouse. If the good guys win, the gangsters are disarmed and put into "jail" (the exit), and the good guys turn in their guns to exit through another way. If the gangsters win, the good guys are disarmed and "locked up" in the hideout, and the gangsters put away their guns to exit through another way.

The Warehouse is full of aisles of crates and random objects, as well as ramps to a second floor. It is very large, allowing suficient space for the teams to spread out and duke it out. Think of this attraction as Laser Tag with the Disney touch.


Well-Known Member
I love it where would you put it? I personally would make a new area called Gangster Row, where this and maybe a new stunt show like lights motors action, but re themed to fit the gangster style. With the new stunt show, the LMA can close and there is more room for expansion.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love it where would you put it? I personally would make a new area called Gangster Row, where this and maybe a new stunt show like lights motors action, but re themed to fit the gangster style. With the new stunt show, the LMA can close and there is more room for expansion.
It could go in Hollywood Studios near ToT or something more like you are saying, a "Gangster Row" if you will. I really love playing laser tag, and at the many venues I have gone to, I have always wondered what laser tag could be like with some decent theming. Most laser tag places are just generic sci fi arenas with neon lights and black lights, which is cool, but very tired. Even if you got rid of the D. Tracy theme, Disney could make a really awesome Laser Tag experience, which would be a new, interactive experience for any of the parks. Any suggestions about the attraction itself? I know the ride through is pretty bland, but it is my first, and I wanted to get the ideas typed out so that I had something to work with.

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