Curious, what do people who have only been to Disneyland think of Disney World?


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Up until last year, I had only been to Disney World, several times growing up and a few times as an adult. Last year, we made a 3 day visit to Disneyland Resort. It was interesting, kind of like taking alot of the best attractions and features of Disney World and cramming it into a tiny lot of land.

What I'm curious is, what do those who have only been to Disneyland think of Disney World on their first visit.

I know that most of them will be Southern California natives, and will more often than not think Disneyland is superior by every measure, so I'm not asking for a comparison, there are enough of those. I'm interested in what you thought of Disney World your first visit when you've only been to Disneyland before.


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well being an socal native i think that wdw is the same thing as DLR only on a larger scale ( just visited for the first time recently ). and before i had always been jealous of wdw'ers out there untill i actually got there and the parks are the same quality on a larger scale. however the resort's feel bests DLR by three or four times, (i think this is because you can't see non-disney property from anywhere). not leaving disney property for my entire seven day trip was great. so anyway does that answer your question?


New Member
I can give you the opposite. I moved to S CA after college. I had gone on many wonderful trips to WDW so I was excited about being able to visit DL whenever I wanted. My first thought was what a dump this place is. The park itself (this was before DCA) is okay, but the surroundings were hideous. To be fair, I know things have changed alot. I haven' t been since 1992. Two noteable acceptions: PoC and SW, they rock at DL.


Well-Known Member
As a Californian, we always did DL. It wasn't until I could afford to send myself to WDW that I went and, I was blown away! We arrived, looked at the map and started walking and walking. At DL everything is within walking distance but WDW is enormous. Finally, a bus driver pulled over and said whattaya think your doing? Get in! So, the size is definately a big difference. I enjoy the fact that since DCA has opened, Disney is trying to bring WDW to CA. DL now has a little downtown Disney and the new park makes it more than a day trip.

PS-The time change thing is tough to adjust to. When everything is closing down at WDW at midnight, we californians are just getting ready for dinner. And at 9 am when the kid runs down the hallway, its really 6am! Ouch!!


Well-Known Member
Humm.. this thread appears to be similar to this one:

I love both. Of course, I fell in love with WDW first, and so it always feels more special to me and feels like "home". But unlike others, I would not diss Disneyland because I certainly can see the charm in it. As I've said in my trip report, I'd rather be there (WDW or DL) than anywhere else at any given time.

I did write some comments on the "size" issue if anyone cares to read about it.



Active Member
I am an Oregonian so I visit Disneyland basically every year.

My first trip to Walt Disney World was... well... overwhelming. At Disneyland I can take a map and check off every attraction and basically do it all in a couple of days. There is no way you can do it all at Walt Disney World.

Disneyland is still my favorite theme park in the entire world, but I love every Disney park. Each park is unique and special and provides an experience like no other. For those who think Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom offer the same experience - they don't. I would definite suggest visiting both if you can get the chance.


New Member
We just came back from Disneyland a month ago and have been to Disney World multiple times. While we loved our trip to Disneyland, we really didn't get that feeling of immersion that you get at Disney World. When we go to Disney World it's a complete escape from reality but having to walk across streets and look at the city of Anaheim while in the parks takes away from the immersion. There's also the fact that we covered most every attraction in Disneyland in 2.5 days and after 6 trips to Disney World we're still finding things we haven't seen/done.

Don't get me wrong, we had a fantastic time in California and will go back, but I don't think it will be for at least 5 years while we try to get to Florida every year or so.



Well-Known Member
BeGuy said:
We just came back from Disneyland a month ago and have been to Disney World multiple times. While we loved our trip to Disneyland, we really didn't get that feeling of immersion that you get at Disney World. When we go to Disney World it's a complete escape from reality but having to walk across streets and look at the city of Anaheim while in the parks takes away from the immersion.

Wow! You said almost identical to what I mentioned in my trip report! :)

I agree with you. To me, it was a bit more difficult for me to divorce myself from "reality" when all I had to do was cross the street and I'm there! It doesn't take anything away from what's in the theme park itself, because I thoroughly enjoyed it, but there isn't a "separation" that one is forced to go through at WDW.

We hope to go back to Disneyland in a couple of years or so, but we will continue to go to WDW at least twice a year.



Well-Known Member
There are some die-hard Disneylanders that frequently bash WDW for whatever they can; but I've found that the majority of people prefer the wide-open, relaxed atmosphere of WDW. The streets at DL are significantly smaller than those at the MK; and although DL has more attractions in it than the MK, WDW has three additional parks and doesn't need to cram everything together. DCA doesn't count because it's a joke.

Personally, I love DL as a wonderful piece of Americana and as the original park that Walt built. But I greatly prefer the atmosphere, CMs, and general logistics of WDW. DL is quaint and cute, but it's tiny. A common joke is that you can stand in Adventureland while you're in line for Space Mountain. (Breathing space is not that bad...but it's close!) Walt knew that DL had problems and chose to create a vacation kingdom to avoid the third-class stores and amusement areas that popped up around DL. Although he died before WDW was completed, I think that his wishes were definitely accomplished. DL is a great place to spend a day or two in a magical environment. WDW is the better place to relax and escape from the ordinary world.


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Original Poster
Your response bothers me a bit. First you say:

tirian said:
There are some die-hard Disneylanders that frequently bash WDW for whatever they can...

Then, in the same paragraph you say:

tirian said:
...DCA doesn't count because it's a joke...

having been to Disneyworld several times and Disneyland only once as an adult, i don't think California Adventure was a joke at all. I thought it was a well put together park. I thought it was themed well, I thought it had several top notch attractions, and I liked it alot.

It needs more, I agree, it does have a lot of filler, but most places do when they first start out.


New Member
Up until I was 11 or 12, my parents would take us kids to DL at least 2x's a year. I didn't get back until I went to Grad night in '88 (I realize I'm showing my age :p ). I went again in '93 as an early wedding present from my sister. At the time WDW was a far off dream that I never thought I'd see. My Nana (my dad's mom) told me that we'd need at least 10 days to see everything. In 2003, for our 10th wedding anniversary, my DH, mom, sister, and neice managed to save up and spent 10 days in a motel off site, spending 7 of those days in the parks. We swore we'd return and stay in a WDW resort. In 2004, the 5 of us took my baby brother and his wife and 3 kids to DL as a once in a lifetime family trip. Last Christmas, the group of 5 went back to WDW and stayed at the Contemporary and All Star Music resorts. Had an awesome time. Favorite times - riding splash mountain twice in a row because no one was there to ride. We called it the "wash, rinse, and repeat" ride. And taking my 5 year old neice for her first time on Thunder Mtn. She asked my DH if there was bumps on the ride and he told her no. She got off crying and said "Uncle lied, there were too bumps!" We didn't realize that bumps meant hills. We still laugh about it and she wants to know when we can go back and ride the "bumpy" ride.

Honestly, those of us that went to WDW compared the few rides that DL and WDW had in common. We decided that each park had its own unique qualities that we really enjoyed. That's what makes them so special and why we look forward to returning to one of them again in the future.

P.S. Disneyland reminds me of my youth while WDW is my "adult" playground :lol: :D.


Well-Known Member
musketeer said:
Your response bothers me a bit. First you say:

Then, in the same paragraph you say:

having been to Disneyworld several times and Disneyland only once as an adult, i don't think California Adventure was a joke at all. I thought it was a well put together park. I thought it was themed well, I thought it had several top notch attractions, and I liked it alot.

It needs more, I agree, it does have a lot of filler, but most places do when they first start out.

No offense, but regardless of how much you personally enjoyed DCA, the WDC considers it to be a flop. I know people who really like DCA, but Disney itself isn't very impressed with it. DCA has underperformed since it opened. No, it doesn't merely need "filler"; it needs to be redesigned, since its budget was literally cut out from under it as it was being built. This is a widely accepted fact both within the company and within industry observers.

That said, before Matt Oimett left, he did approve plans to significantly alter the park and bring it up to Disney quality levels. If all goes as planned, DCA will become a great park (and its name might change, too). :sohappy:

But for now, DCA is considered to be a failure.

EDIT: My information comes from folks involved in these parks. This isn't just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
abug'saunt said:
Honestly, those of us that went to WDW compared the few rides that DL and WDW had in common. We decided that each park had its own unique qualities that we really enjoyed. That's what makes them so special and why we look forward to returning to one of them again in the future.

That's exactly how I feel. I'm uncomfortable with blindly saying, "DL is better than the MK" or something like that, because each park has its own personality. (For example, PotC is better at Disneyland; Splash Mt. is better at the MK.)

Good post! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
WDW will always remind me of DL. For some reason WDW will always seem like a scaled back DL. Sure there are more open spaces... but at DL they are filled w/ matterhorn, subs, Star Tours, bigger pirates, Indy, Alice, Casey Jr., Roger, and actually Toontown, Pinnoc, Toad, Canoes, and so much more. It just seems like they gave up at WDW and opened another park instead. They could easily combine MGM w/MK and have one full park. Instead of toontown, have a studio section and fill in the gaps, and you have a DL topper. Wide walkways mean nothing but waste of space. This by no means is WDW hate. I love MK. It is much quieter, but the loss of the sub lagoon really hurts the feel of the park. Same thing can be said of DL when the motorboats left. Before Fantasyland in both parks felt like a giant island fun. A pleasure island of sorts from Pinnoc, with all the funnest things a kid could have imagined. Boy I'm really drifting. But back to the subject at hand. DL will always be my park of choice -- with overflowing attractions where needed, but still enough room for the fantasyland theater and the DL ranch if you want more secluded areas. WDW just feels more like a ghosttown. I've seen the HK map though -- at least we don't have that sad excuse for a park!!!


New Member
The reason why WDW is so much bigger is because of the success of DL. Without the success of DL, WDW would never exist today. Just take a look at all the Hotels and fast food res. built around DL. Anaheim is 65% Hotels and fast food res.
The first time we went to anything Disney, was at DL. Well, what a difference when we went to DW! We certainly could see why it is Disney WORLD. It is literally in their own little world! And that is what makes it great! :sohappy: Which is why we cant wait to go back! :kiss: :sohappy:


New Member
There are some die-hard Disneylanders that frequently bash WDW for whatever they can; but I've found that the majority of people prefer the wide-open, relaxed atmosphere of WDW. The streets at DL are significantly smaller than those at the MK; and although DL has more attractions in it than the MK, WDW has three additional parks and doesn't need to cram everything together. DCA doesn't count because it's a joke.

Personally, I love DL as a wonderful piece of Americana and as the original park that Walt built. But I greatly prefer the atmosphere, CMs, and general logistics of WDW. DL is quaint and cute, but it's tiny. A common joke is that you can stand in Adventureland while you're in line for Space Mountain. (Breathing space is not that bad...but it's close!) Walt knew that DL had problems and chose to create a vacation kingdom to avoid the third-class stores and amusement areas that popped up around DL. Although he died before WDW was completed, I think that his wishes were definitely accomplished. DL is a great place to spend a day or two in a magical environment. WDW is the better place to relax and escape from the ordinary world.
You don't know what you're talking about. I don't call a park (DCA) a failure when it gets over 5 million visitors a year and ranks #9 out of all theme parks:wave:


Active Member
You don't know what you're talking about. I don't call a park (DCA) a failure when it gets over 5 million visitors a year and ranks #9 out of all theme parks:wave:
He didn't say it was a financial failure, just a joke.
Its a commonly held consensus that it's the 2nd lamest Disney park ever built (it held that bottom spot until Disney Studios Paris was opened).
It brings in people who are going to Disneyland anyway, but its a half-day park at most with weak theming.


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Original Poster
He didn't say it was a financial failure, just a joke.
Its a commonly held consensus that it's the 2nd lamest Disney park ever built (it held that bottom spot until Disney Studios Paris was opened).
It brings in people who are going to Disneyland anyway, but its a half-day park at most with weak theming.

I don't understand all the bashing. I saw nothing wrong with California Adventure. It has some of the best attractions from many other parks around the world, along with some of its own.

I guess I don't quite understand what people expect, what is it you want?

People just like being dramatic and negative at times, I think it makes people feel important when they criticize something.

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