Create Your Own Unnecessary Disney Attraction Backstory


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Inspired by the Jungle Cruise added backstory.

Storybook Land needs a detailed backstory.

Susan Storybook Bookland loved reading books, one day a woman was trying to talk to young Susan but she had her head in a book. The woman was a witch and banished Susan into the world of the books, making it so she could never escape to the real world.

One day Susan opened up a portal to the real world, while she couldn't leave, she could allow guests to come and go as they pleased as she set up an operation providing tours of the worlds of the story books.
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
A magical manic pixie boyfriend has a crush on you. No wait, Peter now goes by just 'Pan' (they/them). Anyway, Pan sends a magical flying ship to pick you up without explaining why a flying vessel has to look like a boat. The flying ship crashes through some London house accidentally sweeping up some children on your journey to Pan's private island. When you get to the island, you see that Pan has turned the native's skin into a deep red and realize what a racist he... I mean, *they* is. You then find out that the crash through that townhouse was no accident. Pan's been kidnapping youth and recruiting them into his child army. When you protest this human trafficking, Pan gets their thugs to tie you up with the other witness and are about to murder you by drowning. That's when the hero of the story shows up, Captain Hook! Hook was once also a child-crush of Pan but escaped and is now back to get his vengeance and end Pan's reign of terror. After a fierce duel, unfortunately, Hook loses and is chased away by a gator. But fortunately, seeing his ex's anger, Pan realizes what they are doing is wrong and orders their pixie-slave to escort you back home.


Well-Known Member
Watch me ruin a simple attraction with only words:

Walt Disney’s A Desire Named Streetcar: The Main Street U.S.A. Secret Streetcar Society Engineless Horseless Horse-Drawn Streetcars — STREETCAR, AHOY! “It Was All Started by a Streetcar” Magical Experience

One hot Missouri day in 1901, Maynard Q. Street tripped on a railroad tie on his way home from the old timey gazebo factory. An old Railway Man helped him up and apologized, and, to make things right, he sent Maynard home with a gift: Some leftover railway rails. This inspired him to do something no one had ever done before: Find a bustling town center and build a street with rails going down the middle. So he did just that, and named the street “Main Street” after himself. But he kept the old man’s leftover rails in his coat pocket always, as a reminder of where the dream all started.

But what do you drive on rails down the middle of a busy street? Well, Mr. Street had a friend named Captain Nemo, who was a genius inventor. Captain Nemo surfaced his Nautilus in Missouri at the Main Street dock, where the submarine made berth. The Captain handed his bags to a young attendant named WALT DISNEY 😱 and said, “I haven’t stepped ashore for eight years but this Main Street sure is something special!”

Captain Nemo met with Mr. Street and got right to work in Mr. Street’s suburban Mediterranean-style three-car garage. together they invented a carriage that ran by itself, no horse required! It was a marvel of engineering that only Captain Nemo could create. But just as they were going to take it on its inaugural ride in town, an old beggar horse appeared at the garage door. “Please, sirs,” said the horse, “I haven’t worked since the horse wars and I need to provide for my family.” The characteristically kind Captain Nemo (His many friends called him “Nemo Who Wouldn’t Hurt a Horse”) pitied the horse, and decided to board the engine up under the floor of the horseless carriage, never to be used, and put the local work horse workforce to work instead.

It was opening day, December 5, 1901, and the horse-drawn horseless cars were off to a beautiful start! That is, until two streetcars approached each other coming down the street from either direction. They were about to crash head-on! Mr. Street clutched his heart in panic, only to feel the LEFTOVER RAILS that he kept in his coat ever since that fateful walk home fun his old-timey gazebo factory days. Mr. Street acted quickly and used the leftover rails to build a split crissy-crossy passing track, just in time for the horses to use it and avoid crashing into each other at 60mph. Opening day was a success.

After a terrific day, Street and Nemo were taking the cars off the track and loading them up on the flatbed tow truck for the night. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows. “Not bad,” the mysterious woman said. She was dressed in khaki and wore a safari hat. She continued, “The name’s Jill Jungle. I’m putting together a team. We’re calling it S.E.A.”

Cut to black. Roll credits.

The guests are now let out of the pre-show room and may board the streetcar for their ride up Main Street.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Inspired by the Jungle Cruise added backstory.

Storybook Land needs a detailed backstory. Storyland Susan loved reading books, one day a woman was trying to talk to young Susan but she had her head in a book. The woman was a witch and banished Susan into the world of the books, making it so she could never escape to the real world.

One day Susan opened up a portal to the real world, while she couldn't leave, she could allow guests to come and go as they pleased as she set up an operation providing tours of the worlds of the story books.
Susan who though? She needs a surname.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Agreed, I can’t possibly enjoy or be immersed in the Storybookland Canal Boats until I know Susan’s surname.
Absolutely. It’s those Disney details that matter! How will guests understand Storybook if its creator’s name is incomplete? Every “I” needs to be dotted and every “T” needs to be crossed. We don’t want to confuse the guests.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
Colonel Bartholomew Space, creator of Space Molehill, had greater ambitions...

Captain Kareena Kalidorn is assembling a ragtag crew of Rocketeers to transform the molehill into a mountain and explore Dark Space and eradicate the evil Q forces. Download the App so you can interact on the most Immersive Disney Parks attraction and cancel the Qs. It's up to you, recruits!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Watch me ruin a simple attraction with only words:

Walt Disney’s A Desire Named Streetcar: The Main Street U.S.A. Secret Streetcar Society Engineless Horseless Horse-Drawn Streetcars — STREETCAR, AHOY! “It Was All Started by a Streetcar” Magical Experience

One hot Missouri day in 1901, Maynard Q. Street tripped on a railroad tie on his way home from the old timey gazebo factory. An old Railway Man helped him up and apologized, and, to make things right, he sent Maynard home with a gift: Some leftover railway rails. This inspired him to do something no one had ever done before: Find a bustling town center and build a street with rails going down the middle. So he did just that, and named the street “Main Street” after himself. But he kept the old man’s leftover rails in his coat pocket always, as a reminder of where the dream all started.

But what do you drive on rails down the middle of a busy street? Well, Mr. Street had a friend named Captain Nemo, who was a genius inventor. Captain Nemo surfaced his Nautilus in Missouri at the Main Street dock, where the submarine made berth. The Captain handed his bags to a young attendant named WALT DISNEY 😱 and said, “I haven’t stepped ashore for eight years but this Main Street sure is something special!”

Captain Nemo met with Mr. Street and got right to work in Mr. Street’s suburban Mediterranean-style three-car garage. together they invented a carriage that ran by itself, no horse required! It was a marvel of engineering that only Captain Nemo could create. But just as they were going to take it on its inaugural ride in town, an old beggar horse appeared at the garage door. “Please, sirs,” said the horse, “I haven’t worked since the horse wars and I need to provide for my family.” The characteristically kind Captain Nemo (His many friends called him “Nemo Who Wouldn’t Hurt a Horse”) pitied the horse, and decided to board the engine up under the floor of the horseless carriage, never to be used, and put the local work horse workforce to work instead.

It was opening day, December 5, 1901, and the horse-drawn horseless cars were off to a beautiful start! That is, until two streetcars approached each other coming down the street from either direction. They were about to crash head-on! Mr. Street clutched his heart in panic, only to feel the LEFTOVER RAILS that he kept in his coat ever since that fateful walk home fun his old-timey gazebo factory days. Mr. Street acted quickly and used the leftover rails to build a split crissy-crossy passing track, just in time for the horses to use it and avoid crashing into each other at 60mph. Opening day was a success.

After a terrific day, Street and Nemo were taking the cars off the track and loading them up on the flatbed tow truck for the night. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows. “Not bad,” the mysterious woman said. She was dressed in khaki and wore a safari hat. She continued, “The name’s Jill Jungle. I’m putting together a team. We’re calling it S.E.A.”

Cut to black. Roll credits.

The guests are now let out of the pre-show room and may board the streetcar for their ride up Main Street.
This is truly a work of art. Love it.


Well-Known Member
Maynard’s Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room Presented by Dole:

Be delighted by the birds, flowers, and tikis a warlock named Maynard has cast a singing spell on. But be warned! Maynard stole his magic from the Hawaiian gods, and they’re not happy about it!


Well-Known Member
Disney has a shared library of backstories, show checklists, operating guides, graphics, maps, queue setups, scrips, recipes, and more... Extensive stories explaining the why and how of a location.

Ask a Pirates castmember if they’re a pirate?
“No, but I come from a long line of Pirates... some of whom you may see on your voyage today.”
You see, cast members are not pirate themselves, but pirate descendants, still living in the bayou frequented by their forefathers, and still wearing the pirate-style clothing, which has apparently never lost its appeal in these quarters.

Until recently, most of the backstory existed to be conveyed through the design language, or doled out by castmembers to curious guests. Publishing them in corporate blog posts is a new phenomenon. If Bob Chapek wants cast members to be part of entertainment, why not empower them with better show training? Much more "magical" than some bland fake newspaper article overexplaining the backstory.
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Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
So, how IS an elephant able to fly? Watch Dumbo to find out. But how come there are multiple Dumbos now? Well, one day a scientist visited the circus and told the Ringmaster that he could clone Dumbo using a sample of his DNA. So he did that. Now get in the elephant, there's a long line of people behind you and the ride doesn't have very high capacity.


Well-Known Member
So, how IS an elephant able to fly? Watch Dumbo to find out. But how come there are multiple Dumbos now? Well, one day a scientist visited the circus and told the Ringmaster that he could clone Dumbo using a sample of his DNA. So he did that. Now get in the elephant, there's a long line of people behind you and the ride doesn't have very high capacity.
I’m cackling imagining a sweating attractions host dutifully reciting backstory required by imagineers who had no idea what real-life operation was like, while also desperately rushing guests through the ride as the line grows steadily longer.


Well-Known Member
Well it all started back in the day, when Mr. Pla and Mrs. Za fell in love and formed a beautiful family. They were hard workers, believed in the American spirit, and were true pioneers.

They tried hard to plant their crops and make some money with it, but alas, their efforts failed more often than not, and the travelers and passersby just didn't seem very interested. Their fruits, beans, and tearoom wilted. They were sadly running out of options.

Then Mrs. Za decided to make a fried chicken dinner and sell it from their tearoom. It caught on, but there were hour long waits daily for their fried chicken dinners! So they decided to redo their restaurant, christened it the Plaza Inn to seem hospitable and to honor their marriage, and over time they built more and more diversions and amusements to occupy their waiting guests and it became a happy place called...

Wait, that can't be right! Back to the drawing board...

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Before you go on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, you need to hear the story of how Mr. Toad got his motorcar and driver's license in the first place. It all began one sunny day in the middle of autumn. The leaves were changing color... what's that? You don't know HOW the leaves change color in autumn? Well, here's how they do it...

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