General Knowledge: <blustery and LOUD> All right, you pitiful, soft-bellied sad sacks, eyes front and listen up! I'm your commanding officer, General Knowledge. And it's my job to turn you mealy-mouthed meatheads into a crack squadron of Cranium Commandos. Your job - if you can cut it - will be to run the most sophisticated information system ever devised: the human brain. You! There in the back! Suck in that gut and wipe that smile off your face! The brain is serious business. Now, listen up, you miserable toads! This is your brain. <we see an illustration of a brain> You will eat with it, sleep with it, you will never leave it! Without you, the brain is nothing. Without your brain, you are nothing! It took three million years of research and development to make this lean, mean thinkin' machine what it is today. In those years, we had some successes <we see a photo of Albert Einstein> and some failures <we see a photo of Jim Varney as Ernest>, and if you meatballs can't fly right, you'll wind up piloting one of these. <we see a chicken> Do I make myself clear!?
Recruits: Yes sir!
General Knowledge: I can't heeeear you!
Recruits: YES SIR!!
General Knowledge: That's better. A brain is divided into two halves, the right and the left.
Buzzy: <a small, bespectacled recruit, coming in late and trying to find a seat> Excuse me, uh ... heheh ... sorry. Heheheh.
General Knowledge: You!
Buzzy: Me, sir?
General Knowledge: No, your mama! Yes, you! Get up here on the double! Move it, move it, move it! What's your name, recruit?
Buzzy: Buzzy, sir!
General Knowledge: You think you're ready to pilot a brain, Fuzzy?
Buzzy: That's Buzzy, sir. Oh yes! You just let me in the control pa -
General Knowledge: Quiet! Do you know that the brain can process up to three million bytes of information per second?
Buzzy: Uh ... why you, sir -
General Knowledge: I don't think you've got the <garbled> to care. I don't think you understand the amount of concentration and commitment it takes to run this lovely unit. Just look at you! You're a disgrace! Does your mother still dress you, boy?
Buzzy: Well, yes sir.
General Knowledge: Don't talk when I'm shouting!! Drop and give me twenty!
Buzzy: Sir! Yes sir! <does as instructed>
General Knowledge: Where was I? Oh ... yes. Your brain is divided into two halves. The left brain handles the linear thinking: analysis, logic. The right brain is the creative center, home of the emotions and imagination. From the command seat, here in the cortex, you'll run the whole shebang. Any questions? <Every hand in the auditorium goes up.> No? Good! <Warning beepers sound.> All right, you chickens, this is it. Let's scramble. On the double! Move it, move it, move it! <All the recruits step on Buzzy in their haste to follow the General's orders.> What now, Scuzzy? Takin' a nap? Get your in gear and hustle!
Buzzy: Sir! Yes ... sir!
A military-type chant is heard, like something the Marines would sing on a long march.
Little women, little men,
Tucked inside your cra-ni-um!
We're the ones that make you go.
Cranium Comma-andos!
We see many different human heads. Each head opens up at the top, and a Cranium Commando will step in to pilot that brain.
Buzzy: <singing> Little women and little men -
General Knowledge: Blinky, you leadfoot, if you moved any slower you'd be going backwards! Putting you in a chicken is cruelty to animals! I'm gonna stick you in a squid, a lumpfish, a talk show host! Now get in line. Move it, move it, move it!
Soldier: Ten-Hut!
General Knowledge: Here's your assignments, so listen up! Sicto!
Sicto: Sir!
General Knowledge: You drew a rocket scientist. Ha! Sicto, if your brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose! Take off!
Sicto: Sir, thank you, sir!
General Knowledge: Trousdale! Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?
Trousdale: Never tried, sir!
General Knowledge: I'd like to know how HQ picked you for this job, Trousdale. With a dart board?! That's your NFL All Pro runnin' back over there! Now get outta my sight!
Trousdale: Sir! Thank you, sir!
Buzzy: Uh, General Knowledge, sir? You didn't give me an assignment yet, sir.
General Knowledge: Oh no! This has gotta be a sick joke! So, goldbrick, you wanna pilot a brain, huh?
Buzzy: Yes sir!
General Knowledge: Well, some gen-i-us at HQ has picked you to pilot the most unstable craft in the fleet!
Buzzy: You - you don't mean -
General Knowledge: You guessed it, Stinky. An adolescent boy. This particular model is twelve years old. Very unpredictable.
Buzzy: Don't worry, sir! I can haaa-aaaa <falls> Don't worry, sir. <chuckles> I can - I can handle it.
General Knowledge: You couldn't find your head with both hands and a flashlight! Sweet blue yonder, where do they get these knuckleheads? And why do they always wind up in my outfit?
Flight Control: Roger, twelve-year-old, all clear for takeoff on delta one niner tango. All clear. Over.
General Knowledge: <to the audience> Hey, you goldbricks, this ain't a spectator sport! Where do you think you are, Disney World??!! Get your strollers in line and hustle! On the double! Move it, move it, move it!
Cast Member: All right, recruits, please look down and watch your step as you enter the theater through the doors to your left. Have a great day.
Recruits: Yes sir!
General Knowledge: I can't heeeear you!
Recruits: YES SIR!!
General Knowledge: That's better. A brain is divided into two halves, the right and the left.
Buzzy: <a small, bespectacled recruit, coming in late and trying to find a seat> Excuse me, uh ... heheh ... sorry. Heheheh.
General Knowledge: You!
Buzzy: Me, sir?
General Knowledge: No, your mama! Yes, you! Get up here on the double! Move it, move it, move it! What's your name, recruit?
Buzzy: Buzzy, sir!
General Knowledge: You think you're ready to pilot a brain, Fuzzy?
Buzzy: That's Buzzy, sir. Oh yes! You just let me in the control pa -
General Knowledge: Quiet! Do you know that the brain can process up to three million bytes of information per second?
Buzzy: Uh ... why you, sir -
General Knowledge: I don't think you've got the <garbled> to care. I don't think you understand the amount of concentration and commitment it takes to run this lovely unit. Just look at you! You're a disgrace! Does your mother still dress you, boy?
Buzzy: Well, yes sir.
General Knowledge: Don't talk when I'm shouting!! Drop and give me twenty!
Buzzy: Sir! Yes sir! <does as instructed>
General Knowledge: Where was I? Oh ... yes. Your brain is divided into two halves. The left brain handles the linear thinking: analysis, logic. The right brain is the creative center, home of the emotions and imagination. From the command seat, here in the cortex, you'll run the whole shebang. Any questions? <Every hand in the auditorium goes up.> No? Good! <Warning beepers sound.> All right, you chickens, this is it. Let's scramble. On the double! Move it, move it, move it! <All the recruits step on Buzzy in their haste to follow the General's orders.> What now, Scuzzy? Takin' a nap? Get your in gear and hustle!
Buzzy: Sir! Yes ... sir!
A military-type chant is heard, like something the Marines would sing on a long march.
Little women, little men,
Tucked inside your cra-ni-um!
We're the ones that make you go.
Cranium Comma-andos!
We see many different human heads. Each head opens up at the top, and a Cranium Commando will step in to pilot that brain.
Buzzy: <singing> Little women and little men -
General Knowledge: Blinky, you leadfoot, if you moved any slower you'd be going backwards! Putting you in a chicken is cruelty to animals! I'm gonna stick you in a squid, a lumpfish, a talk show host! Now get in line. Move it, move it, move it!
Soldier: Ten-Hut!
General Knowledge: Here's your assignments, so listen up! Sicto!
Sicto: Sir!
General Knowledge: You drew a rocket scientist. Ha! Sicto, if your brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose! Take off!
Sicto: Sir, thank you, sir!
General Knowledge: Trousdale! Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?
Trousdale: Never tried, sir!
General Knowledge: I'd like to know how HQ picked you for this job, Trousdale. With a dart board?! That's your NFL All Pro runnin' back over there! Now get outta my sight!
Trousdale: Sir! Thank you, sir!
Buzzy: Uh, General Knowledge, sir? You didn't give me an assignment yet, sir.
General Knowledge: Oh no! This has gotta be a sick joke! So, goldbrick, you wanna pilot a brain, huh?
Buzzy: Yes sir!
General Knowledge: Well, some gen-i-us at HQ has picked you to pilot the most unstable craft in the fleet!
Buzzy: You - you don't mean -
General Knowledge: You guessed it, Stinky. An adolescent boy. This particular model is twelve years old. Very unpredictable.
Buzzy: Don't worry, sir! I can haaa-aaaa <falls> Don't worry, sir. <chuckles> I can - I can handle it.
General Knowledge: You couldn't find your head with both hands and a flashlight! Sweet blue yonder, where do they get these knuckleheads? And why do they always wind up in my outfit?
Flight Control: Roger, twelve-year-old, all clear for takeoff on delta one niner tango. All clear. Over.
General Knowledge: <to the audience> Hey, you goldbricks, this ain't a spectator sport! Where do you think you are, Disney World??!! Get your strollers in line and hustle! On the double! Move it, move it, move it!
Cast Member: All right, recruits, please look down and watch your step as you enter the theater through the doors to your left. Have a great day.
The main theater has rows of bench seats facing a staging area. Captain Buzzy is an animatronic figure now. He is seated at the command center, inside the brain of Bobby, the twelve-year-old "unstable craft." There are two screens that will serve as Bobby's eyes. We will see what he sees. There are various other screens where members of the body crew will be shown throughout the presentation.