the ride is still pretty much the same, as far as i can remember. but i think i only rode it once since they changed the name...or maybe i just saw the changes to the front of the building and didn't ride it...heck, i can't remember! it's been quite a while since i last went to AK. but i agree. i liked CTX much better than Dinosaur. I didn't really like the movie in the first place. first and last time i saw that movie was in the AMC 24 theater at WDW, and i only caught about 30min. of the movie, if that much...due to a personal issue/conflict i was dealing with at the time...but that's a different subject.
the only thing that i've heard that's changed is that the ride isn't as jerky as it was at first...which kinda sucks. i know they did it for the saftey of smaller kids...but that ride rocked just as it was! that cartoon dinosaur just looks kinda strange...especially after i got used to seeing the tricerotops (sp?) that looked half-way realistic (other than the fact that they whole thing was the same color) but i'm glad they left the ride pretty much as it was and didn't make it into another JIYI! course, it was too new to do something THAT drastic on it! they do still have bill nye narrating in the room with the bones, though, right? i love bill nye!! *science rules!*