Could a Pod Hotel/Hostel be coming to the Anaheim Resort Area? How about a Cat Cafe!


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Original Poster
First off, I have been extremely busy the last month an haven't been posting much here.

Today's Regional approach by Governor Newsom will also force a lot of changes in Anaheim/Orange County/Downtown Disney in the next few days.

But this came cross my desk this morning. (Photos at the link)

Item3.pdf (

>>DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2020
LOCATION: 321 West Katella Avenue and 400 West Disney Way (Anaheim GardenWalk)
APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: The property owner and applicant is STC GardenWalk, LLC, represented by John Hsu.

REQUEST: The applicant proposes Adjustment No. 14 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (DRSP) and an amendment to a conditional use permit to allow additional uses as part of the Anaheim GardenWalk (GardenWalk) project.

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions:

1) Adopt the attached resolution, determining that an Addendum to the Pointe Anaheim Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate environmental documentation to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078, contingent upon and subject to City Council approval of Adjustment No. 14 to the DRSP; and

2) By motion, recommend that the City Council adopt the attached draft ordinance, approving Adjustment No. 14 to the DRSP, a proposed modification to the zoning and development standards adopted in connection with the DRSP.

BACKGROUND: The 20.3-acre GardenWalk project site is designated for Commercial Recreation land uses in the General Plan and is located within Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay of the DRSP. The project site includes a retail, dining, and entertainment complex and a parking structure. Uses that surround adjacent to the property to the east; another Disneyland Resort parking lot to the south, across Katella Avenue; and hotels directly adjacent to the und the project site include an SCE easement and Disneyland Resort parking lot to the north across Disney Way; a vacant lot, fire station, and hotels directly adjacent to the project site to the west.

The City Council approved the DRSP in June 1993 to provide development guidelines and standards for the expansion and on-going modifications of The Disneyland Resort and adjacent hotels and visitor-serving uses, including the GardenWalk site. Chapter 18.114 (Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (SP 92-1) Zoning and Development Standards) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code (Code) codifies the zoning and development standards in the DRSP.

In June 1999, the City Council approved amendments to the General Plan, DRSP, Anaheim Municipal Code, and The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program; and, approved Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 (CUP 4078), and Development Agreement No 99-01 between the City of Anaheim and Excel Pointe Anaheim, LLC. These actions created the Pointe Anaheim (now referred to as Anaheim GardenWalk) Overlay and provided the framework to develop the project site.

In March 2006, the Planning Commission approved a Final Site Plan for the development of the retail, dining and entertainment complex and associated parking facilities within The Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, Development Area A. The complex includes a three-story, outdoor retail concourse featuring landscaping, fountains, and seating areas. Tenants include a mix of retail stores; full-service restaurants; walk-up/fast food establishments; bar/nightclubs; physical fitness center; and bowling facility. Existing parking facilities include a multi-level parking garage and a transportation center with parking for 15 buses. In addition, a Police Substation is located on the ground floor.

In August 2011, the City Council approved amendments to the General Plan, DRSP, Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Final Site Plan to modify the total amount of retail, dining, and entertainment (RDE) uses by reducing the amount of retail uses and increasing the amount of dining and entertainment uses within the retail concourse. The approved mix of RDE is 133,683 square feet of retail; 148,188 square feet of dining; and 178,244 square feet of entertainment uses. Additionally, these entitlements allow the property owners of GardenWalk to construct of up to three hotels with 1,266 rooms, including up to 400 vacation ownership units, and up to 216,820 square feet of hotel accessory uses.

CUP 4078, as amended, includes a list of permitted uses within the GardenWalk retail concourse. Zoning Code Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay) describes these specific permitted uses, with a reference to CUP 4078. The allowed uses are tourist-oriented and visitor serving in nature, including restaurants with alcohol service, nightclubs, retail, and entertainment facilities. The Code and CUP 4078 also permit unlimited outdoor events, such as festivals, if the events are not visible from the public right-of-way.

PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes an amendment to the CUP 4078 and Zoning Code Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay) to allow additional land uses within the GardenWalk retail concourse. The Code refers to an amendment of the codified portion of a specific plan as a Specific Plan Adjustment. The proposed CUP Amendment and Specific Plan Adjustment would allow the following additional uses described in detail below. The first two uses, a Cat or Dog Café and a Banquet Hall are for specific tenants. The remaining three proposed uses do not have specific tenants associated with them, but are businesses that the applicant believes would be a good fit for GardenWalk as future tenants. These proposed uses are Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales; Hostel; and Personal Services – General. The request to introduce new uses does not include a change to the approved mix of RDE uses.

The addition of the proposed Cat or Dog Café use pertains to a request to operate a proposed “9 Lives for Mew” Cat Café. The applicant describes the proposed business as a cat lounge with light food service. The subject Cat Café would be located toward the interior of GardenWalk, on street level. The operator would work with a local cat rescue and adoption agency to house cats that are available for adoption. As shown in the floor plan (Attachment No. 4), the 1,830 square foot café would consist of food preparation, service, and seating areas; and, a cat lounge area, which would be separated from the food areas by a glass wall. The business would prohibit customers bringing their own pets to the Cat Café. The business owner plans to hold cat-related special events available to the public and sell cat-themed items. A Cat or Dog Café use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Banquet Hall use pertains to a request to operate a banquet hall and event center called the “STC Center,” which would host conventions, weddings, performances, and other similar events. The applicant operates a similar facility in Rowland Heights. The proposed tenant space would be adjacent to Katella Avenue on the upper level. As shown in the floor plan (Attachment No. 5), the 20,667 square foot space would include an art gallery/retail space at the entrance to the venue, a stage, dance floor, bars, flexible space for tables and chairs, and two outdoor patios. The Code currently permits Banquet Halls as an accessory use to a Hotel within The Anaheim Resort; staff is proposing to clarify that the Code and CUP 4078 allow this type of use within the RDE component of the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales use would allow a business that provides instructional tastings of beer, wine or distilled spirits on-site, for a fee or complimentary basis, and sells the subject alcohol for off-site consumption. The experience of instructional tastings of the products sold would be an integral component of the business. While a customer may or may not purchase alcohol for off-site consumption, the intent of the business is not to operate as a bar; the quantity and number of tastings that may be offered to customers is limited by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. A Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Hostel use would allow an establishment that provides dormitorystyle or sleeping rooms with shared or private bathroom facilities intended for occupancy on a commercial basis. The establishment may include common facilities, such as a kitchen, dining room, lounge, or recreation room as amenities for guests. A capsule hotel is a type of hostel that is common in Japan and the images below are examples of what GardenWalk could implement, if approved. This type of business would include an on-site manager 24 hours a day, similar to a traditional hotel. A Hostel use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Personal Services – General category includes services such as hair salons, nail salons, and massage establishments. The request excludes diet centers as well as art, music and photography studios, which are typically included in the Personal Services – General type of use category in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses) of the Code. The Code currently permits these types of use as an accessory use to a Hotel within The Anaheim Resort; staff is proposing to clarify that the Code and CUP 4078 allow this type of use within the RDE component of the GardenWalk Overlay.<<

Much more at the link.


Well-Known Member
Is the banquet hall going into the former, unfinished and awkwardly named "Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill" location?

Also, what will the llamas think about the cats?


Well-Known Member
First off, I have been extremely busy the last month an haven't been posting much here.

Today's Regional approach by Governor Newsom will also force a lot of changes in Anaheim/Orange County/Downtown Disney in the next few days.

But this came cross my desk this morning. (Photos at the link)

Item3.pdf (

>>DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2020
LOCATION: 321 West Katella Avenue and 400 West Disney Way (Anaheim GardenWalk)
APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: The property owner and applicant is STC GardenWalk, LLC, represented by John Hsu.

REQUEST: The applicant proposes Adjustment No. 14 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (DRSP) and an amendment to a conditional use permit to allow additional uses as part of the Anaheim GardenWalk (GardenWalk) project.

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions:

1) Adopt the attached resolution, determining that an Addendum to the Pointe Anaheim Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate environmental documentation to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078, contingent upon and subject to City Council approval of Adjustment No. 14 to the DRSP; and

2) By motion, recommend that the City Council adopt the attached draft ordinance, approving Adjustment No. 14 to the DRSP, a proposed modification to the zoning and development standards adopted in connection with the DRSP.

BACKGROUND: The 20.3-acre GardenWalk project site is designated for Commercial Recreation land uses in the General Plan and is located within Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay of the DRSP. The project site includes a retail, dining, and entertainment complex and a parking structure. Uses that surround adjacent to the property to the east; another Disneyland Resort parking lot to the south, across Katella Avenue; and hotels directly adjacent to the und the project site include an SCE easement and Disneyland Resort parking lot to the north across Disney Way; a vacant lot, fire station, and hotels directly adjacent to the project site to the west.

The City Council approved the DRSP in June 1993 to provide development guidelines and standards for the expansion and on-going modifications of The Disneyland Resort and adjacent hotels and visitor-serving uses, including the GardenWalk site. Chapter 18.114 (Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (SP 92-1) Zoning and Development Standards) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code (Code) codifies the zoning and development standards in the DRSP.

In June 1999, the City Council approved amendments to the General Plan, DRSP, Anaheim Municipal Code, and The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program; and, approved Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 (CUP 4078), and Development Agreement No 99-01 between the City of Anaheim and Excel Pointe Anaheim, LLC. These actions created the Pointe Anaheim (now referred to as Anaheim GardenWalk) Overlay and provided the framework to develop the project site.

In March 2006, the Planning Commission approved a Final Site Plan for the development of the retail, dining and entertainment complex and associated parking facilities within The Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, Development Area A. The complex includes a three-story, outdoor retail concourse featuring landscaping, fountains, and seating areas. Tenants include a mix of retail stores; full-service restaurants; walk-up/fast food establishments; bar/nightclubs; physical fitness center; and bowling facility. Existing parking facilities include a multi-level parking garage and a transportation center with parking for 15 buses. In addition, a Police Substation is located on the ground floor.

In August 2011, the City Council approved amendments to the General Plan, DRSP, Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Final Site Plan to modify the total amount of retail, dining, and entertainment (RDE) uses by reducing the amount of retail uses and increasing the amount of dining and entertainment uses within the retail concourse. The approved mix of RDE is 133,683 square feet of retail; 148,188 square feet of dining; and 178,244 square feet of entertainment uses. Additionally, these entitlements allow the property owners of GardenWalk to construct of up to three hotels with 1,266 rooms, including up to 400 vacation ownership units, and up to 216,820 square feet of hotel accessory uses.

CUP 4078, as amended, includes a list of permitted uses within the GardenWalk retail concourse. Zoning Code Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay) describes these specific permitted uses, with a reference to CUP 4078. The allowed uses are tourist-oriented and visitor serving in nature, including restaurants with alcohol service, nightclubs, retail, and entertainment facilities. The Code and CUP 4078 also permit unlimited outdoor events, such as festivals, if the events are not visible from the public right-of-way.

PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes an amendment to the CUP 4078 and Zoning Code Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay) to allow additional land uses within the GardenWalk retail concourse. The Code refers to an amendment of the codified portion of a specific plan as a Specific Plan Adjustment. The proposed CUP Amendment and Specific Plan Adjustment would allow the following additional uses described in detail below. The first two uses, a Cat or Dog Café and a Banquet Hall are for specific tenants. The remaining three proposed uses do not have specific tenants associated with them, but are businesses that the applicant believes would be a good fit for GardenWalk as future tenants. These proposed uses are Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales; Hostel; and Personal Services – General. The request to introduce new uses does not include a change to the approved mix of RDE uses.

The addition of the proposed Cat or Dog Café use pertains to a request to operate a proposed “9 Lives for Mew” Cat Café. The applicant describes the proposed business as a cat lounge with light food service. The subject Cat Café would be located toward the interior of GardenWalk, on street level. The operator would work with a local cat rescue and adoption agency to house cats that are available for adoption. As shown in the floor plan (Attachment No. 4), the 1,830 square foot café would consist of food preparation, service, and seating areas; and, a cat lounge area, which would be separated from the food areas by a glass wall. The business would prohibit customers bringing their own pets to the Cat Café. The business owner plans to hold cat-related special events available to the public and sell cat-themed items. A Cat or Dog Café use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Banquet Hall use pertains to a request to operate a banquet hall and event center called the “STC Center,” which would host conventions, weddings, performances, and other similar events. The applicant operates a similar facility in Rowland Heights. The proposed tenant space would be adjacent to Katella Avenue on the upper level. As shown in the floor plan (Attachment No. 5), the 20,667 square foot space would include an art gallery/retail space at the entrance to the venue, a stage, dance floor, bars, flexible space for tables and chairs, and two outdoor patios. The Code currently permits Banquet Halls as an accessory use to a Hotel within The Anaheim Resort; staff is proposing to clarify that the Code and CUP 4078 allow this type of use within the RDE component of the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales use would allow a business that provides instructional tastings of beer, wine or distilled spirits on-site, for a fee or complimentary basis, and sells the subject alcohol for off-site consumption. The experience of instructional tastings of the products sold would be an integral component of the business. While a customer may or may not purchase alcohol for off-site consumption, the intent of the business is not to operate as a bar; the quantity and number of tastings that may be offered to customers is limited by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. A Beer, Wine, and/or Craft Spirits Tasting Room and Sales use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Hostel use would allow an establishment that provides dormitorystyle or sleeping rooms with shared or private bathroom facilities intended for occupancy on a commercial basis. The establishment may include common facilities, such as a kitchen, dining room, lounge, or recreation room as amenities for guests. A capsule hotel is a type of hostel that is common in Japan and the images below are examples of what GardenWalk could implement, if approved. This type of business would include an on-site manager 24 hours a day, similar to a traditional hotel. A Hostel use is a use that the Code does not currently address in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses); staff is proposing that Code identify and permit this use only within the DRSP and the GardenWalk Overlay.

The addition of the proposed Personal Services – General category includes services such as hair salons, nail salons, and massage establishments. The request excludes diet centers as well as art, music and photography studios, which are typically included in the Personal Services – General type of use category in Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses) of the Code. The Code currently permits these types of use as an accessory use to a Hotel within The Anaheim Resort; staff is proposing to clarify that the Code and CUP 4078 allow this type of use within the RDE component of the GardenWalk Overlay.<<

Much more at the link.

Oh, gosh. So much to consider here! Thank you for informing us of this, Darkbeer.

I will have to ask my friend who is very up to speed on the GardenWalk mess... um, situation what he thinks of this.

Until then... STC Center. They appear to have a place already in Rowland Heights, which is a suburb in the San Gabriel Valley that for the last 30 years has been predominantly Korean and Chinese. The STC Center in Rowland Heights is in a multi-level shopping center, and it's used for weddings and such.

Is this really a product that is needed in Anaheim's Resort District???...

STC Center - Rowland Heights, CA - A Glittery Polyester Bow On Every Chair!


Then there's the Cat Cafe. Uh.... I like cats as much as the next guy, but really? This is the business model the GardenWalk owner is going after now? Because a JW Marriott, the House of Blues, and some top-flight corporate restaurants aren't profitable for you? So you think a Cat Cafe is needed? The mind boggles.

Although I do kind of like that snarky one on the left who is just staring at us like... whatever. I could work with him.

But let's not forget, this is the same GardenWalk owner who felt this was exactly what this World Class! mall needed to succeed in the Anaheim Resort District before the pandemic. Neon colored llamas! So, yeah...

IMG_0400 (2).JPG
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