Good article. A couple of months back on another Disney photography forum I frequent, there was a discussion about copyright law and WDW. I have no problem with people not know the law or believing what they want, but most of the people there premised their arguments with "I've heard from a friend/relative/etc. that ____ is true" when I would refute what they'd write with cases and/or U.S.C. sections, they would just ignore it. I learned my lesson there to stay away from online legal discussions.
It's funny to me; I wouldn't engage in a discussion about cars with a group of mechanics and claim to know more than them because I "heard it from my dad", but law is different because it seems more intuitive to people. Not quite, but whatever.
Sorry to go off on a rant/tangent. Couldn't exactly say it there and it really ed me off. That article is actually quite good and informative for those curious about basic copyright law.