The restaurant was to be heavily themed, with a strong "New York" persona. A large replica of a portion of Lady Liberty, for example. Many of his roots are embedded in New York, not to mention his Vanishing the Statue of Liberty illusion for which he became famous.
Artwork for the interior can be found within the pages of an older issue of MAGIC magazine. I would look for it, but there's a heck of a lot to look through and it would be quite time consuming. I recall it being very elaborate, detailed, classy, and everything else Disney theming agrees with.
Those who attended his live tour during the planning of these restaurants and shops may have given their opinion in a poll for which logo should be used for the endevour. Sample polo shirts with different options were displayed in the theater lobby, and guests could give their two cents.
The "failure" of this chain also has much to do with his 6 year "hiatus" from television. Copperfield provided annual television specials on CBS since the early 1980's. His television special, "Unseen Forces" although successful, was his last back in '96. The following years provided no new TV specials, and his fans went crazy. Finally, David did "Portal" in late 2001, which was quite successful. His anticipated return to television as well as his new look reintroduced the name David Copperfield into many homes worldwide.
Should he have another go at the restaurant dream, his chances are much better now than they were in the late 90's. But is there a demand for such a thing? Last year a new dinner show, "Magic Show," opened on the tourist-engulfed International Drive (adjacent to Universal Studios Orlando.) I'm not sure how well their business is doing, but it's much more "touristy" than any Copperfield show. Do I really want to be eating dinner while some guy on stage saws a woman in half?
The Magic Masters shop in Downtown Disney is themed to escape the traditional cheesyness of a magic shop. And I believe that a Copperfield endevour would accomplish the same.
The mere existence of the Magic Masters store indicates that some level of demand of guests wanting to see (and even purchase) magic exists.