

New Member
Can anyone help me? We have ressies for the Contemporary in 2003. I would like to find some NEW pictures/images of this resort. It seems really nice. But, I really want Disney theme. I like the looks of Wilderness lodge. If anyone knows where Ican find pics/images other than the SAME ones I've seen please let me know. Thanks:dazzle:

There are loads of pictures at the site above.

It sounds like you might be going to Disney for the first time. I've always said that for a first timer you should stay at either Polynesian or Contemporary if you can afford it -- they're the originals and the way Walt intended it to be (though the Grand Floridian is fantastic too and also on the mono-rail line the way "Walt intended" -- just wasn't part of his original plan).

The Wilderness Lodge is absolutely amazing -- my favorite resort. However, it's not on the monorail line, so if you do change resorts, make sure you take the monorail at least once -- it's such an awesome feeling!

Happy traveling!
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New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW

It sounds like you might be going to Disney for the first time. I've always said that for a first timer you should stay at either Polynesian or Contemporary if you can afford it -- they're the originals and the way Walt intended it to be (though the Grand Floridian is fantastic too and also on the mono-rail line the way "Walt intended" -- just wasn't part of his original plan).

Happy traveling!

I heartily agree with "married" and would add that if you HAVE been before but haven't stayed at a monorail resort you should go for the monorail resort.

This advice comes from a true Disneyphile, though, meaning that I enjoy just "being there." If you just want to park somewhere at night and ride thrill rides all day every day the whole time then go for a cheaper place and save the bucks.
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Active Member
I have always wanted to stay in the Contemporary....<sigh>

WL is a beautiful resort - I have stayed there, and I do hope to return - but for me the Contemporary just "is" Disney! :)
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New Member
We stayed at the Contemporary three times. Twice in the Tower and once in the Garden Wing. Try the Tower (with the view of the Castle) - it's closer to everything. When we stayed in the Wing we were miles from the monorail and breakfast at Chef Mickey's.:cry:
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New Member
Contemporary was the first Disney hotel I stayed at, and as such, I see it as being the "ultimate" Disney hotel. However, if you're looking for theming, I'd go for polynesian (on the monorail line), Grand Floridian (if you can afford it) or WL (great theme, but not on the monorail line). The Contemporary has a ton of stuff to offer, but really isn't "themed" like the other resorts.
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New Member
The contemporary used to be themed -- it was "contemporary." But since the world also became temporary all around it the theme doesn't stand out.

If all of Florida became like Polynesia, then the Polynesian wouldn't be themed and the Contemporary would be.

I love the Polynesian but next time I stay in a deluxe hotel I want to do the Contemporary. I've never stayed there.
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New Member
Original Poster
Hey jmarc63 thanks alot. that helped alot. there were some good pics on that site. It's not very themed but. We can use Shades of Green and they are using the north wing since they are under construction. I called to change dates the gave us north wing jr. suite (not sure the difference) I think the only diff. is its ground floor. But for the price we are getting for the Contemporary I can't pass it up. Thanks for the help.:wave:
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Active Member
Actually, I think that the Contemporary IS themed - it's got a very "Disney looking into the future from 30 yrs ago" retro thing happening! :)

I really want to stay there! Something about that place really is "Disney magic" to me!
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New Member
Contemporary ROCKS, that is Disney since the beginning. The ladcy who designed It's a Small World also designed the painting of the kids that is on the wall all the way to the ceiling of the tower. Definitely the very best hotel to stay in, IMHO. That is Disney Magic at it's best.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Besides for the "Contemporary" theme at the resort, it is the resort with the most Disney Influence. There are more things that relate to the Disney characters (especially Mickey) than any other resort. The pool is even shaped like the mouses head.
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New Member
Originally posted by jcmayid
Contemporary ROCKS, that is Disney since the beginning. The ladcy who designed It's a Small World also designed the painting of the kids that is on the wall all the way to the ceiling of the tower. Definitely the very best hotel to stay in, IMHO. That is Disney Magic at it's best.


The lady your speaking of, her name was mary Blair, and she passed away July 26, 1978. And yes she did design both for Walt as well as the mural above the Circlevision theater in TL at DL. Unfortunatly it has since been covered by renovations at DL but from what I hear it is still there. As for the 9 story mural at the Contempoary it is Accually a giant mosaic with 12x12 tiles that were individualy hand painted and fired before being installed. Walt asked her to come out of retirement temporaily to design the mural and the new IASM at WDW.

She was very intsrumental in the look for several anamation features as well and set a tone with introducing modern art with the colors she choose for her designs that were commisioned by Walt
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Just a bit of Contemporary news for you guys...

The observation deck on the 15th floor is no longer opened to the public. You are only allowed up there now if you have a reservation to eat at the California Grill. They are setting up new viewing points somwhere on the fourth floor.
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New Member
On the fourth floor:confused: That's not up high enough to view the MK. The rooms don't start until at least 8, if I remember right. Oh well, I guess I'll watch it from MK itself.:lol:
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Active Member
Originally posted by DisneyInsider
Just a bit of Contemporary news for you guys...

The observation deck on the 15th floor is no longer opened to the public. You are only allowed up there now if you have a reservation to eat at the California Grill. They are setting up new viewing points somwhere on the fourth floor.

Ouch - that's harsh!!!

I guess that a good fireworks viewpoint at the Contemporary has become one more of the privileges that only those who can afford it get to enjoy....:(
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Don't get to mad about the Observation Deck thing. They were having a lot of problems of people going up there when the California Grill was hosting parties (something it does often).

I don't think it will be such a big deal, you can still watch the fireworks from other places at the resort.
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Originally posted by cymbaldiva
Actually, I think that the Contemporary IS themed - it's got a very "Disney looking into the future from 30 yrs ago" retro thing happening! :)

I agree. I think they should rename it "Walt's Contemporary Resort" and celebrate this aspect of Walt Disney (the man). Heck, make it even more "Contemporary" as in Walt's vision, not as in 2002. What the heck, put a giant dome over the whole thing like Walt supposedly wanted for his Epcot city...

There are huge numbers of people who LOVE the Contemporary, at least partially because it's the most "Walt" resort. (I personally think it's a fascinating place to visit, but not where I'd want to stay for the one relaxing aspect of a WDW vacation - sleep.)
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