Almost the second we walked into AK it started raining. This would happen every afternoon our whole trip!
I went and upgraded to an AP and bought a TIW card. We were starving since it was well past lunch so we went to eat.
Once we were done it was raining even harder. DH had laughed when I'd packed my trusty WDW poncho from last trip but super thankful when I darted over to buy him one.
We had time to kill before our Safari FP so we went to watch Bug Life. WRONG CHOICE FOR C! The child lost it. Ooookkkaayyyyyy. She refused to watch and buried her head in my lap. I'm hoping at this point that she's not going to do this on ever ride!!
We were able to escape and noticed right away that Mickey/Minnie had a short wait so we jumped in line. C was "ok" with them as long as Mommy was holding her. We didn't get any pictures cause we were so focused on getting her comfy :-(
By this time our FP for Safari opened up so we zipped over there! We scanned our bands and were off. C loved it. We figured she would since we use the crap outta our zoo membership.
Our River Rapids FP from earlier had been reissued because the attraction was closed due to rain. We decided since it had been a long day to use on Dinosaur and head back.
As we walked up I heals my breath as they asked to measure her. I "felt" she was tall enough from my billion times I measured her in our garage but just barely.
I was nervous C was going to flip her lid like she did in the bug show. I'd shown her videos on YouTube and told her it could be scary. She basically said "Mommy I'm ok! I won't be scared" so off we went.
So, the kid that went into hysterics over the bug was this.
Well, ok then. Lol
We this time the flood gates had opened up so we decided to head back, eat and go to bed.
When we got to the room our luggage and boxes from Amazon Pantry had been brought up. I totally recommend Amazon Pantry by the way.
We let C open her Elsa dress that my mom made for the next day. She was beyond ecstatic and pumped for the next day!
MK and pre park opening CP ADR!