CM's and Tattoos?


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Hello again,
I currently have a tattoo that extends from my upper arm to about an inch above my elbow. How badly do you suppose this will hurt my chances at a WDW career? I have the grades and hopefully the personality, but now I'm getting nervous about this whole tattoo deal of mine :lookaroun Last year, I was accepted into the CP program (which unfortuately I had to decline due to a family illness) but at that time the tattoo was much smaller. Are the WDW uniforms baggy enough to reach over the elbow? If any CM's are out there, your input would be very much appreciated!!! Help me to feel a little better about this situation...a WDW job is a dream for me! Thanks so much!!


Well-Known Member
That can be worked around. Most areas have costumes that cover that or costuming will find a way. They won't deny you for having one unless you were a walking tattoo. Some other instances, like a huge tattoo across your chest of a burning elephant trying to be a lifeguard might not go as well.


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Original Poster
Some other instances, like a huge tattoo across your chest of a burning elephant trying to be a lifeguard might not go as well.[/QUOTE]

LOL! Thanks for putting my mind at ease!!


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
officially, Disney will say no tattoos,

but provided it can be easily covered up by clothing, it's as simple as not telling them you have ink.


New Member
When I interviewed, I told them that I had a tattoo, and I was accepted. Mine is on my lower back so I had no problem covering up while on stage. But because of the location of yours it may be more difficult. I would suggest if you get accepted, go to the Mac makeup counter at your local department store and get the proper makeup to cover it. They will show you how to do it properly. It may be expensive, but it's still worth it so you can do your CP. I also knew people who would just use and Ace bandage to cover them up. It's easy enough to get around. Good luck with everything!


New Member
almost every lifegaurd on my CP had a huge tattoo... they just covered it with makeup ... it never looked that great and you could always tell it was there, but they had NO problem, and they were shirtless.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
They can't tell you that you can't have a tatoo, they can only make you cover it up when you are working. So as long as your tatoo isn't seen by guests then there is no issue at all.


Well-Known Member
Nick said:
That can be worked around. Most areas have costumes that cover that or costuming will find a way. They won't deny you for having one unless you were a walking tattoo. Some other instances, like a huge tattoo across your chest of a burning elephant trying to be a lifeguard might not go as well.
LOL i thought you meant a tatoo of an elephant trying to be a lifeguard :lol: its been a long weekend...

anyways...there is specific tattoo makeup that will make u look like you have no tattoo at all. good luck :)


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
What is it about tattoos anyway? What's the fascination?

Its a hobby or an interest for a lot of people. Just like disney or coin collecting is for other people. Some just like the way it looks or the expression it makes.


New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
What is it about tattoos anyway? What's the fascination?

I don't know. Mine makes me happy! Maybe I'm just strange. I want another one. It's definitely an addicting habit!


HennieBogan1966 said:
What is it about tattoos anyway? What's the fascination?

Well for me I was 18 years old and I wanted to do something completely stupid to prove that I was an adult capable of making my own permanent decisions LMAO. Dumb huh? And now when I'm 90 years old I'll still have all these pretty colored flowers all over my back with the name "Andy" written on a heart in the center. Won't that look funny!


Well-Known Member
It really depends on where you work, as to how it will affect your costume. If you work front desk at Pop Century, for example, they have long sleeve shirts that would cover it. In buses, we have short sleeved shirts, and we had a guy who had a lot of arm tatoos, and also on his neck. He had to wear a turtleneck throughout the brutal summer heat. (Costuming has since created a few long sleeve costume shirts for those who for medical reasons need to protect thier skin from the sun)


New Member
I have a unique Mickey head tatooo on the side of my leg (near the calf) and if I ever got a job at WDW (I wish) I'd probably have to wear long pants. I'm totally a shorts person too, so I'd probably die in the summer heat.

I think if your tattoo is a disney Character, you should be able to show it (as long as its a clean tattoo and not something X-ratedish). It is kinda like promoting Disney.

I'm planning on another disney tattoo sometime in the future.


Well-Known Member
Budahman said:
I have a unique Mickey head tatooo on the side of my leg (near the calf) and if I ever got a job at WDW (I wish) I'd probably have to wear long pants. I'm totally a shorts person too, so I'd probably die in the summer heat.

I think if your tattoo is a disney Character, you should be able to show it (as long as its a clean tattoo and not something X-ratedish). It is kinda like promoting Disney.

I'm planning on another disney tattoo sometime in the future.

Even in total black pants, just move around from time to time and you won't get that hot. Just staying in one place for a long time will do you in.


New Member
That's good to hear. I actually never been to Florida in the dead of summer. I try to plan the trips for late fall or earyl winter. I like it warm, just not hot. Maybe if I did black spandex. :lol:
We are coming in April this year and have been in May a few years back.
As far as the tattoo, I guess I just need to make the move and get that job there now. :)
I don't see that happening anytime soon. :(


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the replies...I guess I'm lucky because my tattoo doesn't cover my whole arm. Thankfully, I'll be able to cover the visible portion of it with makeup. Thank God I never went to have the design covered in. The way it is, the design is just a black inked outline. Any other CM's out there with a tattoo on their arm? I'm looking to hear any more info that you have.
Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
I worked in an area for Disney and a woman came for her first day of work with a huge tattoo on her arm. Evidently she was wearing long sleeves at her audition. She ended up getting a position backstage though.

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