Citrus Dreamin' - Game Thread - The Grand Finale has Begun

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Boats Review

  • First Impressions
    • I'm gonna start both reviews this way, but I absolutely mean it. Ya'll did incredible work and created something truly special! If you lose it isn't because of any major faults here, it's just that both teams knocked it so far out of the park that the tiniest details will set it over the edge.
    • I was a little worried at first because this felt like a bit of a safer option. Any Disney IP and nearly any theme park in the world and you went with Muppets in a park themed to characters that are kinda already Muppets? Not bad at all, but a bit underwhelming at first glance. Sorta like in SAVII when we were given all the new theme parks in Dubai to choose to work with and both teams just went to LegoLand (Though I did very much have fun working in a LegoLand lol). That being said, my fears of an underwhelming or potentially bland project were not at all warranted considering how amazingly this worked out. Capturing what makes Muppets unique, melding it brilliantly with Sesame Street, and making the ride feel tailor made for the park. You took what seemed like a safe choice at first and made it special!
  • Presentation
    • Docs tend to be very function over form in terms of presentation generally with the only real benefit being that it is easier to do long projects that way than a forum post. Sure playing around with fonts and page colors can make it bit more snazzy, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a Docs presentation that actively elevates the project and looks this great before! Very good job @Architectural Guinea Pig! I'm gonna need to learn how you did it before the next game I play in! The soft purple accents and the jokes with the characters between sections really sold it
    • Love the very varied styles of maps and outlines throughout. From @Outbound detailed CAD style ride layouts, to @ThemeParkPriest's hand sketched queue layout, to @Architectural Guinea Pig's colorful and stylish area map. All are well done and each serves their purpose well
  • Team Dynamic
    • Ya'll have really started to gel well together and did amazing at iterating and building off of each other. A very natural flow to the brainstorming! I know there was some difficulties last minute with some unexpected irl stuff with Tegan, but ya'll recovered quickly and didn't miss a beat!
    • I would advise when sharing a ride through to be a bit more careful with communication. From the outside at least it seemed like it was a bit unclear who was doing what scenes and what exactly those scenes were which lead to more of it being done last minute and made it tougher for the artists to draw more specific art for some scenes. Not a big issue especially considering how good the chemistry on this team is, but just something to be aware of
  • Introduction - @ThemeParkPriest
    • Quick note, not good or bad: I love that both teams felt the need to recap all the IRL attractions based on the IP they chose. It isn't really needed, but a quick history lesson is always a fun way to ground the description
    • The logo is fantastic
    • I love the focus on Muppets being underappreciated by the mouse and the framing device of them sorta coming home to Sesame Street. Plus, it would be a great way to expand the park's brand as you say. the gag about why Six Flags and Dollywood is great and in line with the self deprecating style of Muppets humor.
  • 456 Muppet Square - @ThemeParkPriest
    • As mentioned before, the map by AGT is fantastic
    • The name is incredibly fun and continuing the gag with 789 Fraggle Rock is brilliant. You manage to capture the vibe perfectly of making a really cute and elevated land that still feels in line with a small scale park. Whimsical, yet realistic. The Dreamers statue is maybe a bit on the nose, but I love it anyways and it fits the vibe. Plus, "on the nose" works for Muppets.
    • Priest's talent for research and realism is on display here as this description feels so real and like you're just standing there in the Square describing it
  • Autism Awareness - @spacemt354
    • I was slightly worried at first because this could have easily gone wrong in a "good intentions but insulting execution sort of way." I'm not autistic myself (maybe a bit on the spectrum according to a therapist back in college, but not far enough on the spectrum to really claim it), but I have some people close to me who are. While I might not be the best judge myself, I'm happy to say that you nailed it as far as I can tell! Enough aids and consideration to help those who need it without going overboard and babying anyone on the spectrum. I really do appreciate the thought and care here (and throughout the project). I don't think I've ever seen something like this in a project and it really shows how great this community can be.
  • Muppet Mayhem
    • The intro to the ride itself sells what makes it unique. You don't often see rides made for such young kids on this forum, but the "my first splash" is a great choice and I love the idea of focusing on the Muppet/Sesame Street pair ups and those character dynamics
  • Queue - @ThemeParkPriest
    • Great map of the queue as mentioned before. Very clear, very simple. Yet still dynamic enough to not look boring. It shows the thought and care put into this.
    • The facade feels so magical and over the top in the perfect way for a kid's park. Soft, but not boring or pandering. The layout with the bridge by the drop being the entrance is clever. gives it a good "wow" moment right off the bat and lets kids know what awaits. I really adore the mist when guests walk through the clouds.
    • The virtual queue to keep the time standing still is a nice touch both because virtual queues can be great AND for the inclusivity considering DAS passed are mostly used by people with autism and other sensory issues. The low sensory issues and restroom midway are nice too. Two different low sensory rooms, a pre-show, and a bathroom might be a bit overkill if you say your virtual queue system is intended to keep the physical wait below 10 minutes. But it also is not anything too crazy or expensive that I would hold it against you. They're all nice additions And again go to show the care put into this project that no detail is overlooked.
  • Ridethrough - @Architectural Guinea Pig, @Outbound, @spacemt354, @Tegan pilots a chicken (in spirit)
    • The CAD maps are great and take me back to college lol. Very well done @Outbound
    • The first scene with the Muppets lost singing the Sesame Street theme is so sweet! I feel like kids would obviously love it, but their nostalgic parents would get goosebumps hearing it.
    • I love the Gonzo/Grover trying to top each other bit. The ending joke about the power of friendship is a great capper too
    • Great artwork by @Brer Panther (this looks like their style at least) for Scene 3. It captures the vibe perfectly, you could've not written anything and just had the photo and I would've gotten what was going on. Great art!
    • The write up is fantastic too though. Too much dialogue can be tough to pull off in dark rides, but this one moves slowly enough and the jokes are simple enough that it works really well here and captures the characters perfectly
    • The Uncle Deadly/The Count scene is great too. Them counting bats around the room is a fun bit and I love the clear kindred spirits angle.
    • Really great character mash up art by @WaltWiz1901 too. It is more "inspiration art" than "concept art" if that makes sense since it doesn't actually represent the scene where the characters are both playing piano. But it does capture their dynamic well and adds a lot to it despite that. Uncle Deadly being such a huge fan of the Count is a great gag
    • The acoustic melody is fantastic and a really great "plus" helping to further elevate the project by @spacemt354. the Sweetums/Snuffleupagus scene is a great softer breather for any very young kids scared by the scene with the count.
    • The Elmo World scene is great as well with more amazing character art by @Brer Panther. Simple, but fun. I'd make the minor note that I feel this would've been better as the transition into the drop and the more whimsical/abstract style of the Miss Piggy scene/the outdoor area given this scene's over the top crayon aesthetic. Plus, Elmo being the main character works well as the climax. Going from a realistic environment, to crayon world, back to realistic, and then to abstract rainbows feels slightly jarring. A minor nitpick all things considered of course, but worth noting to be aware of the flow between scenes
    • Swedish Chef and Cookie Monster is a genius pairing and this might just be my favorite scene! I do think it would've ben better for flow before the Elmo scene, but that doesn't take away from how great it is
    • The Miss Piggy grand musical finale with Abby and a bunch of other characters is great. the abstract style feels fitting and perfectly over the top. It leading right into the malfunctioning rainbow machine and the drop is a perfectly grand climax (well, the perfect level of grand for this kind of ride)
    • The detail of talking about parents taking photos or waving to people passing by really help sell what you're going for here and add a lot to the vibe.
    • Rainbow Connection finale with Kermit and Big Bird leading is brilliant. As is the grouchy remarks from Oscar, Statler, and Waldorf.
  • Gift Shop - @Disney Warrior
    • Not too much to comment on about the gift shop, but it is exactly what it needs to be and is very well done
  • Restaurant - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • The QSR is a nice touch. I appreciate it being here and I also appreciate it being kept simple as a nice bonus rather than a big part of the project. Writing it in character as the Swedish Chef is a very fun tough too
  • Final Thoughts
    • Ya'll really did nail it. Captured the vibe of a young kid focused park perfectly. I appreciate you embracing Sesame Place and what makes it special rather than just building a ride the way you usually would. Its going to be a close race, but whatever the results know that you should be very proud of what you did here and in nearly any other round this would be a guaranteed win

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks

Team Birds Review

  • First Impressions​
    • I'm gonna start both reviews this way, but I absolutely mean it. Ya'll did incredible work and created something truly special! If you lose it isn't because of any major faults here, it's just that both teams knocked it so far out of the park that the tiniest details will set it over the edge.
    • Ya'll truly embraced the wackiness of the prompt and ran with it. I meant the legal stuff just as an excuse for a unique project, but ya'll went wild and I love that. One of the funniest projects ever that really captures the off brand knock off vibe of park's like Nara Dreamland. Joke projects can be difficult to balance. Being intentionally bad while still being a good project is not easy. But ya'll did it splendidly.​
    • I feel like I'm going to have a lot less to say or comment on here than I did with Boats. Don't take that as an insult or as me liking it less, it is just that more jokey projects can be tough to thoroughly review without getting repetitive. If there's anything you feel I overlooked send me a message to let me know and I'll be sure to discuss it on the podcast​
  • presentation​
    • The blog is great. Feels like I've seen a lot of old blogs like this when researching my videos and you nailed the look/tone of them. "TheBirdman" fictional blogger/YouTuber is a brilliant set up. Perfect execution. The borders around images are a nice touch too helping it all feel consistent and flow together. Great job on the blog @Lizzy May Bee
    • The logo by @Muppetsfan#1 was great as are the flyers. They help it to feel even more real​
  • Team Dynamic​
    • It is almost going to be tough to properly give credit this round because the team really was firing on all cylinders working as one. If I didn't know better, I would almost think this was a solo project. Ya'll did that good a job working as one that it can be tough to tell when one person's contributions end and another begins!​
    • I know there was a bit of a rough start getting everyone on the same page for the angle to take. The DVD Sequel concept from @Muppetsfan#1 was very strong, but it wasn't the vision the rest of the team had. I really respect them stepping down to support the team rather than trying to lead when they weren't fully on the same page. It shows some real maturity that it was handled that well.​
    • It's a specific skill but a noticeable one. DDad is perhaps the best at blending fake projects into real maps seamlessly. Love it!​
  • The video - @AceAstro
    • A Defunctland style video on a project has been a dream presentation style of mine for year's but there just hasn't been the right chance to do it in a week I have the time to dedicate to it. Something that takes that much work was starting to feel like something I'd never see. But then you pulled it off! Absolutely fantastic job and a really well done and real feeling video essay by "The Bridman." Part of me might say that 10 minutes went on a little long for the bit, but also the bit is so strong and I'm just so impressed you managed a 10 minute video in just a few days! Really great work and a really huge "plus" for the project that I cannot praise enough!​
  • Commercial Script - @DisneyManOne
    • once again showing off your skills at character writing. A perfect theme park ad that captures the whimsy and cheesiness. A very fun addition that rounds out the project​
  • The blog Text- @PerGron
    • As mentioned before the blog does a great job capturing the tone of those old themepark blogs. As well as providing context for the main jokey concept behind your project.​
  • Artwork - @MonorailRed
    • I can tell how much fun you had with this round and your artwork is fantastic as always. The joy you had with the wacky concept is clear in your work here!​
  • Ridethrough - @tcool123
    • I'm not gonna comment on every scene because it would very quickly devolve into me just saying "this was funny" over and over lol.​
    • You did a great job capturing a low budget dark ride. Pretty sure I saw most if not all of these effects on a haunted house ride in Ocean City, MD lol.​
    • The mixed up characters (Gaston as the prince or Sleeping Beauty as Bell) are great gags. Bordering on too over the top, but ya'll never quite cross the line into it being too much. the addition of new characters were great with Dame Combination Shower and Bathtub being the standout moment for me both because of the joke and because the bubbles are exactly the kind of effect this style of ride would want an excuse to add.​
    • The six foot tall slow blinking Lumiere is another particularly real feeling addition.​
  • Final Thoughts​
    • This was a joy to watch come together and an absolute blast to read. Ya'll came together so well to make something special. One of the funniest projects ever. Its going to be a close race, but whatever the results know that you should be very proud of what you did here and in nearly any other round this would be a guaranteed win​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
The Winner of the Second Expedition is...


This really was a tough round to judge and I went back and forth several times. In the end, as much as I really truly did love the comedy and jokey nature of Team Bird's project (And that video by Ace especially almost won it), the sincerity and hear of Muppet Mayhem edged it out giving this victory to Boats!

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

Their Choice of Water Park in the next Expedition!
More details shortly


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Welcome to the Winding River!


Pictured: A punchline I kept changing my mind about

Citrus Dreamin' will be divided into 5 Wondrous Rivers with each new river adding a new twist or element to the gameplay.

The second river we encounter is The Winding River! There will be three Imagineering Expeditions along this river, each with a specific choice at the heart of it. The winning team of the previous round will be the one to make that choice, but they might not always know what lies just beyond the riverbend when they make that decision.

The warm ups are over and the game has officially begun! Expect the first few eliminations along this river.

In order to keep the teams balanced, @Muppetsfan#1 will be moving to Team Boats

Also, Totino's will no longer be sponsoring this competition. They caught me eating a Freschetta Kitchen Fresh Pizza and got mad at me. So, the pizza party is officially over



Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Imagineering Expedition #03



What better way to beat the heat than by chilling out in a lazy river?

--What you need to know--


The exact reason is unknown (life guard shortages in Orlando? Crowd levels not high enough? Cost Cutting? Volcano Bay, Aquatica, and Margaritaville cannibalizing the Orlando water park market? Bob Iger is too scared to ride Summit Plummet and doesn't want to be reminded of it? Who knows!), it seems like Disney isn't intending to keep both Typhoon Lagoon AND Blizzard Beach open at the same time anytime soon. Perhaps this time when only one park is open can be used to do a major update on the closed one?

--The Prompt--


Design an Update for your Team's Water Park! Including at least 2 New Attractions and 1 New Snack or Drink Stand

You can do more new stuff or include updates to existing attractions. You can overhaul the entire park changing every detail, or you can focus on just your new additions to round out the park's offerings. Go big and broad with sweeping changes, keep it focused and targeted going all in on polishing a smaller scale update, whatever you want to do to improve the park is on the table!


The Wilderness Explorer's Guide has been updated with information about both water parks.

For winning the previous Expedition, Team Boats will be working on
Blizzard Beach

Team Birds will be working on Typhoon Lagoon

A member of the losing team may be Eliminated at the end of this round. The winning team will get to make an important decision regarding the next expedition

--Helpful Advice--

Try to stay relaxed and have some fun in the sun!
In games like this it can get easy to get caught up in the stress of trying to get everything done and stand out. Especially with this being the first elimination round so the "competition" part of the competition is starting up, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. But at the end of the day, the players who do the best in these games are the ones having fun with friends new and old while stretching their creative muscles and talking about the theme parks they love.

--When is it due?--

This project is due Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--

Bonus points if you can notice the thing in Blizzard Beach that you can see in this video that was changed for violating the Geneva Convention

Lizzy May Bee

Well-Known Member
The Winner of the Second Expedition is...


This really was a tough round to judge and I went back and forth several times. In the end, as much as I really truly did love the comedy and jokey nature of Team Bird's project (And that video by Ace especially almost won it), the sincerity and hear of Muppet Mayhem edged it out giving this victory to Boats!

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

Their Choice of Water Park in the next Expedition!
More details shortly

I’m just thankful the boats don’t get a pizza party for their win lol

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Welcome to the Winding River!


Pictured: A punchline I kept changing my mind about

Citrus Dreamin' will be divided into 5 Wondrous Rivers with each new river adding a new twist or element to the gameplay.

The second river we encounter is The Winding River! There will be three Imagineering Expeditions along this river, each with a specific choice at the heart of it. The winning team of the previous round will be the one to make that choice, but they might not always know what lies just beyond the riverbend when they make that decision.

The warm ups are over and the game has officially begun! Expect the first few eliminations along this river.

In order to keep the teams balanced, @Muppetsfan#1 will be moving to Team Boats

Also, Totino's will no longer be sponsoring this competition. They caught me eating a Freschetta Kitchen Fresh Pizza and got mad at me. So, the pizza party is officially over


Brandon Are You Kidding Me GIF by Harlem

(Muppetsfan destroying his room)

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Don’t start the 3rd expedition yet! I‘m gonna join the birds! Don’t start asap! I want to join and do the third challenge!
Like I said before, please message me or reply to my message i sent you. I want to make sure you know what the game is like and what you're signing up for before you commit. Especially since you were unsure before and would be joining late. Plus, in a game like this, you might not be on the team of your choice. But if you do still want to join I have a plan for adding you in. Or a different plan to keep you involved if you decide not to fully play but want to still be a part of it. I love your enthusiasm and i promise I'll make sure to help find the right spot for you!
Also @Pi on my Cake I talked to the CEO of Torino’s and I told them that you actually act there pizza but you saved a spare Fresschatta pizza box from before the game started as you needed a spare box for leftover pizza and now there back in with the pizza!


Well-Known Member
The next recap podcast will be happening tomorrow night. In the meantime, tune in tonight at 10PM Eastern as @PerGron enters the Debate ring once again to battle it out in a series of DreamWorks related questions.

1. What is the most awesome fight scene in the Kung Fu Panda franchise?
2. Besides Shrek and How to Train Your Dragon, which DreamWorks film/franchise should get a theme park land?
3. In honor of MegaMind vs. The Doom Syndicate, What is the most CRINGE moment in DreamWorks history?

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You know this game has been a rollercoaster for me. I was on a different team and the team that I am on now was my competitors but know I’m on the same team as my competitors which makes them allies and now my former team is my competitors.


Well-Known Member
Imagineering Expedition #03



What better way to beat the heat than by chilling out in a lazy river?

--What you need to know--


The exact reason is unknown (life guard shortages in Orlando? Crowd levels not high enough? Cost Cutting? Volcano Bay, Aquatica, and Margaritaville cannibalizing the Orlando water park market? Bob Iger is too scared to ride Summit Plummet and doesn't want to be reminded of it? Who knows!), it seems like Disney isn't intending to keep both Typhoon Lagoon AND Blizzard Beach open at the same time anytime soon. Perhaps this time when only one park is open can be used to do a major update on the closed one?

--The Prompt--


Design an Update for your Team's Water Park! Including at least 2 New Attractions and 1 New Snack or Drink Stand

You can do more new stuff or include updates to existing attractions. You can overhaul the entire park changing every detail, or you can focus on just your new additions to round out the park's offerings. Go big and broad with sweeping changes, keep it focused and targeted going all in on polishing a smaller scale update, whatever you want to do to improve the park is on the table!


The Wilderness Explorer's Guide has been updated with information about both water parks.

For winning the previous Expedition, Team Boats will be working on
Blizzard Beach

Team Birds will be working on Typhoon Lagoon

A member of the losing team may be Eliminated at the end of this round. The winning team will get to make an important decision regarding the next expedition

--Helpful Advice--

Try to stay relaxed and have some fun in the sun!
In games like this it can get easy to get caught up in the stress of trying to get everything done and stand out. Especially with this being the first elimination round so the "competition" part of the competition is starting up, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. But at the end of the day, the players who do the best in these games are the ones having fun with friends new and old while stretching their creative muscles and talking about the theme parks they love.

--When is it due?--

This project is due Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--

Bonus points if you can notice the thing in Blizzard Beach that you can see in this video that was changed for violating the Geneva Convention

I propose that Typhoon Lagoon gets THE DUCKING STOOL! Looks fun, doesn’t it?

(I was looking at 17th century art and came upon this gem depicting a ducking stool, which was a type of punishment for women who were found guilty of a crime in those days in which the woman would be in a chair attached to a rope, which would lower the chair into the water below and submerge the woman. Jokes between me and my brother about how Disney should add this to the parks naturally ensued for some reason!)
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