Check in at AKL


New Member
I will be arriving at the Animal kingdom Lodge at about 8am. on June 2nd. Does you guys think my room would be ready by then? Also, if its not, whats a good thing to do there after an 18 hour drive?


Well-Known Member

Most likley, your room will not be ready.

The day we were to check-in there, we dropped off our bags, walked around the hotel, and went to Animal Kingdom.

They will give you a card that has a phone number on it. Call the number anywhere in WDW, and it will tell you if your room is ready.
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Well-Known Member
we checked in after a 20 hour car ride, first we got breakfast at Boma, which is wonderful, and then we grabbed our suits and went swimming. The room was actualy done about 11...all depends on your room, they tell you not to call till 2, but call every hour or so...
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New Member
It really depends. I do know that if it is ready they will let you check in. I have a friend who went around the same time (a couple of weeks ago) that we did. I believe they were able to check in Really early, around 7:00 AM or something like that. We checked in as soon as we got there and our room was also available. As soon as we checked in we went to our room, looked at our view, then took off to explore the hotel. The Hotel is AMAZING. I really hope on our next vacation we can plan one day at the hotel, one day at the parks, and so on.

Will you be stopping any along the way to sleep, or driving straight in 18 hours? We drove around 20 hours ourself, but I was a wimp and we stopped at two different hotels along the way so we were well rested when we got there.
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