I'll be over for a couple of weeks next month and have pondering getting a new digital camera. Something with a better than three times zoom and is capable of taking shots of things like Festival of the Lion King without using a flash - you know the kind that mimic high speed film.
I'm sure they will be a whole chunk cheaper in Florida than England. So, do you have any recommendations of where is the best place to get one?
Also I'll be stocking up on hi-8mm tape. It’s a lot cheaper at Walmart that any place in England, but if you have other ideas then I’m all ears. Or should that be “all eyes”, seeing as how I will be reading the replies?
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure they will be a whole chunk cheaper in Florida than England. So, do you have any recommendations of where is the best place to get one?
Also I'll be stocking up on hi-8mm tape. It’s a lot cheaper at Walmart that any place in England, but if you have other ideas then I’m all ears. Or should that be “all eyes”, seeing as how I will be reading the replies?
Thanks in advance.