We like the Disney Visa (we have the Premier) but I know it doesn't work for everyone. While we've booked trips under a Disney Visa promotion in the past, they were never a much better deal than the general public offering. The Disney Visa just usually opened up the booking window a few days early. I didn't ever find that to be a big perk. We know we could get better rewards with other cards, but we keep this one for a few reasons. 1. The rewards are pretty much only able to be used for Disney so it guarantees we'll keep taking trips there (my evil plan!). We can also use the rewards for airfare but we don't typically fly anywhere -- we're a "road trip" family. The rewards can also be used for AMC movie tickets though I haven't tried that yet. 2. We like the 10% discount on things (mostly souvenirs) at Disney. That usually saves us $35-50 per trip. 3. I actually find the rewards very easy to use (online transfer to rewards card; use that card like a gift card) and no blackout dates or restrictions (but obviously those rewards are only good for Disney related things). 4. They offer discount or early-access on Disney Broadway shows (obviously not a benefit if you aren't close to NYC).
That being said, we also have a Chase Freedom card. It earns 1% back on all purchases and every quarter of the year there is a bonus category (gas, groceries, etc.) that earns 5% rewards. We use this card specifically for the bonus category every quarter. The rewards from this card can be redeemed for travel anywhere (air fare, rental car, hotel, etc.); gift cards (they currently have 177 different options); or cash back. I use this money towards the cost of our Disney trip so I usually take the cash back (or statement credit).
We charge nearly all of our every-day expenses to these cards so the rewards add up quickly. We emptied all of the rewards from both cards for our last Disney trip in June 2016. Since then, we've accumulated over $2,000 in rewards towards our upcoming trip. While we might have been able to accumulate more rewards on a different card, we don't think it would be significant enough to make us switch. The Disney Premier earns 2% every day on Disney purchases, groceries, gas, and restaurants. In our household, those are a big chunk of our expenses every month (minus Disney).
I know a lot of people like the Airline miles rewards cards. That might be something worth looking into if you travel by air for vacations.