So I went to my interview tonight and found out some very interesting changes that have been made to the college program. Starting this current semester the summer program is for college alumni ONLY! The reason they said they're doing this is because the Spring and Fall advantage programs overlap the sumer and they don't need many new people comming in. The other change is that there are only 3 ways to be hired into entertainment. 1) is to enrolled in one of 4 schools either in Puerto Rico, Chicago, Penn state, and one more I don't remember. 2) go to Orlando and audition directly through Disney. 3) work college program and towards the end of the semester they will have a CP only audtion for you next returning semester or for after you graduate for a full or part time shift. Hope this doesn't shatter anyone's plans. Alot of people at the presentation tonight were pretty shocked and upset by these changes. Big surprise to me too!