Who knows what, if anything, will come of this, but this is from a recent interview with Iger since he has been named the CEO-Elect:
Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aD_QoQx.N3qY&refer=us
March 14 (Bloomberg) -- Walt Disney Co. President Robert Iger, who in September will take over as chief executive, said he wants to open a dialog with Pixar about renewing the companies' film-distribution partnership.
``I'd love to open a dialogue with Pixar about a continued relationship,'' Iger said today in an interview at the company's Burbank, California headquarters. ``But as I've cautioned a number of people, any relationship we have has to be the right one for the shareholders of the company.''
Iger said he looks forward to talking with Pixar Chief Executive Steven Jobs. END ARTICLE----------------
It may just be nice rhetoric and go nowhere, but at least he's willing to give it another shot. Let's see how Jobs, who is pretty egotistical himself, responds to such a call.
Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aD_QoQx.N3qY&refer=us
March 14 (Bloomberg) -- Walt Disney Co. President Robert Iger, who in September will take over as chief executive, said he wants to open a dialog with Pixar about renewing the companies' film-distribution partnership.
``I'd love to open a dialogue with Pixar about a continued relationship,'' Iger said today in an interview at the company's Burbank, California headquarters. ``But as I've cautioned a number of people, any relationship we have has to be the right one for the shareholders of the company.''
Iger said he looks forward to talking with Pixar Chief Executive Steven Jobs. END ARTICLE----------------
It may just be nice rhetoric and go nowhere, but at least he's willing to give it another shot. Let's see how Jobs, who is pretty egotistical himself, responds to such a call.