Central Jersey Disney Pin Traders - Meeting Report 7/18


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Good Afternoon Everyone!
I hope that you are enjoying you weekend!
This is a report about our meet that took place on July 18th!
First off Jeff and Missy where back from their vacation with plenty of pins to trade. Jeff was able to break away from trading long enough to take some photos and they are up now on the webpage. We had 29 people attend including 5 PinKidz. The swaps went like this:
3- Cast Member
11- Park Rack
8- Disney Store
12- Limited Edition
9- Lanyard Series

Our upcoming events are s follows:
Friday, Aug. 15th from 7 till 9pm
Saturday, Sept. 6th from 1 till 5pm
Friday, Sept. 19th from 7 till 9pm

As Always, Your Friend,
John Rick- Founder CJDPT

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