cast members attend pin celebration


New Member
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Does anyone know if you are a cast member and want to attend the pin celebration, do you have to sign up as well or do you get a discount? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
You get your regular discount on the merchandise only - not the registration fee. You have to sign up as usual, like everyone else. If you haven't registered yet, better do so soon as it's filling up. The early registration discount is already expired, so it's now $115 instead of $100.

I hope you can make it - I've gone the past 2 years and it's been great. I'm going again this year and hope to obtain all the Figment pins that they so "wonderfully" created for this event!


New Member
Original Poster
this will be my first one figment, is there any way that maybe we can meet up, maybe trade pins, and you can show me the ropes?

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