CareerStart this Fall?


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Hi! I was wondering if anyone here is doing the CareerStart program this August. I just had my interview tonight, and the recruiter said that I'll be happy when I get my letter in the mail. Yay! :sohappy: So, is anyone else going in August?
I'm waiting on my letter! My interview was 2 weeks ago Wednesday, so I should know any day....who was your interviewer? Mine was Shannon...she didn't say anything like "You'll be happy when you get your letter" to me, but when I answered that, yes, I would loooove a role with a microphone, she replied that she wasn't surprised, and that I seemed outgoing...I think that's a good sign :D


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Good luck! I think it's a good sign too. My interviewer was Bryan, and he was great. Let me know when you get your letter, I'd love to know if you got in.


New Member
I went about two weeks ago and got a confirmation via email on Friday. I paid the fee today and I'm still waiting on the letter or whatever with my scheduled arrival, the offer book, and everything else. My recruiter was Julie, who was very cool, and I signed up for the Fall Advantage so I'd go in May... however I'm a little worried that I won't be leaving til August, I'll have to wait for my letter to confirm the date though. I'm hoping for the best!

Also, congradulations to those of you who also made it!

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