Can you swim at other resorts?

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New Member
We were unable to get the resort we wanted (Beach Club) but really wanted to go to the pool there. I know you can eat at other resorts and use the watercraft, have a tennis lesson, or use childcare. Can we visit another pool?


Well-Known Member
Pool-hopping used to be permitted, but it is not allowed anymore. In fact at the Beach Club, I think you have to show your ID at the pool now.
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Account Suspended
No, in the past it was considered an option, but Disnbey has grown immensely and to allow patrons of a particular reosrt to enjoy their facilities, "pool hopping" is not allowed at WDW.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Thank you for the replies. Due to previous incidents in poolhopping threads I'm going to close this thread now before it gets off track. :wave:
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