Can Someone Tape Tarzan Rocks Final Show Jan 21st.


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Original Poster
I was at WDW for Marathon Weekend and was very happy to be able to see Tarzan Rocks one more time.

I was told by more than 1 cast member that Jan 21st is the final day for this show.

Is there anyone that is planning on being at WDW that day and if so is there anyway we could get a couple of people to tape the final performance?

With the amount of diehards that read this forum I would hope that there is one other like me that enjoyed that show.

I am so hoping that the crowd gives the show performers the ovation they deserve for years and years of great entertainment.

Can someone ask someone to ask someone to tape the last show on Jan 21st, please please please.


New Member
That is awesome MommytoMJM, please let me know if you do tape them! I just found out that I have to work later in the day on Saturday, so I will try to catch one of the first performances of the day, but I am still extremely bummed that I will be missing the final show :( It is so hard to believe the end is so near...


New Member
We will be sitting in the first Row (wherer the wheelchairs are) on the right hand side if you would like to find us. The only exception to this is the 3rd show we'll be sitting in the sign language section on the right. You can find pics of us on MJ's Blog in my sigline.
I would also love a tape of this show...i really wish i could be there. It is right up there as my all time favorite 2 shows....Kids of the kingdom and tarzan rocks. I'm so sad it's closing....


Well-Known Member
The two most innovative shows Disney ever created just couldn't bring in enough of the masses. I will always remember seeing the final Hunchback show at MGM, and will always remember the shear awesomness of Tarzan Rocks.

Hunchback... may the bells always ring.
Tarzan Rocks... you'll be in our hearts.


Yeah I just saw it for the first time the other day and I was blown away. What a great show. I cannot believe they are getting rid of this. I would really love to see a tribute video or just a decent video of the show that I could download and put on a DVD to keep. I did take pictures and do a little videotaping with my regular digital camera but the quality is only so so.



New Member
R.I.P. Tarzan Rocks!

All of you are such wonderful TR fans just like me. If everyone enjoyed it as much as we did I'm sure i wouldn't be going. I saw my final show Jan. 11th & ran into another (non posting) WDWMAGIC member while in line. I'm going to be writeing a Thank You letter/card to the cast soon & hope you all do the same. I heard a bit back a show of TR was taped & put on Disney Central but since my cpu is filled w/ virus issues I can't get it to work so I hope for someone to come & save the day with a awsome video of the show.(& be able to send it via e-mail.) I took a photo of the stage/curtain w/ my phone when I was there & have it set as my cell's wallpaper w/ a "R.I.P." above it. I hope that the last performance is taped by many so I may continue to enjoy this show forever. I really did start to tear up on the 11th after the show & just keep haveing to tell my myself that yes TR "You'll be in my heart. Yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on now & forever more."
R.I.P. To My Fav. WDW Show You Shall Be Missed Greatly,
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry::cry: :cry:


New Member
I will be there for the last four shows, but I haven't decided whether to focus on taping it or just enjoying the show one last day.One note - the show has been changed this week, apparently after an accident involving Tarzan's support wire during his first "flight". That Tarzan is allegedly okay, but the whole flight section has been removed. Tarzan stays on the ground, and Jane does a brief spinning section from a rope, and Tarzan spins the rope. I wasn't able to find out any more information today, but the taping you all see will probably differ from the show you all remember.


Well-Known Member
I heard a bit back a show of TR was taped & put on Disney Central but since my cpu is filled w/ virus issues I can't get it to work so

you cpu is filled with viruses :veryconfu .. no idea what you mean

you shouldn't give up so fast .. and sending a 250MB large file via email isn't really an option .. is it :veryconfu

I'd like to see the final show(s). Wonder if there will be anything special for each of the singer's final performances.

yeah .. I'm quite sure that a version will make it to disney-central :)


New Member
Brent said:
I heard a bit back a show of TR was taped & put on Disney Central but since my cpu is filled w/ virus issues I can't get it to work so I hope for someone to come & save the day with a awsome video of the show.(& be able to send it via e-mail.)
One of the available videos on Disney Central is an edit I made. As Dolby mentioned, the video files are too big to email. If you have virus and other issues with your PC, it would be best to get that fixed.

If things really are bad with the PC, best to wipe it clean and start agaon - save copies of all your important files then wipe the hard drive and reinstall everything from scratch.

Then get back onto Disney Central :D

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Looks like this is turning into a tribute to Tarzan Rocks thread.

I knew when I went in December that would be the last time I will see Tarzan Rocks live. I will need to download the one on DC.

I hope someone tapes the last show and offers to us that are too far away to enjoy the last show.

I can only hope Disney places something that will equal this great show. It's a tough act to beat. I do like the area being enclosed.

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