Can someone confirm this.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
After rising Splash Mountain Multiple times a cast member said they took a kid to the hospital cause he crushed his hand between the log and the side wall while trying to splash someone.


Well-Known Member
yeah would not surpise me as well, stuff like that happens all the time.

"please keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the rocket..."


Well-Known Member
I agree that it kinda sounds like a "scare tactic" to me. I suppose that an accident like that could happen, however, one wonders about why the CM would bring it up.


Well-Known Member
^^Its likely it has happened sometime in the past. Afterall, how many times and different ways are you told to keep your hands inside the Splash logs nowadays. The only next measure would be to tie people down when they get in a ride vehicle :lol:


Well-Known Member
bgraham34 said:
After rising Splash Mountain Multiple times a cast member said they took a kid to the hospital cause he crushed his hand between the log and the side wall while trying to splash someone.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. But, I doubt anyone will be able to confirm this particular incident unless they're a Splash attractions cm who was working when it happened. Often times, other cms don't even know about minor things like that. I worked in splash merchandise on my cp, and we'd occasionally see a Reedy Creek ambulance, but never heard about what was going on. What does surprise me is that the cm just brought that up. I always thought that generally, they don't like stuff like that to get out. Could they have been using a scare tactic to get someone nearby to stop sticking hands in the water?

I'd imagine that these kinds of injuries happen semi-frequently. It's a natural tendency to want to do something you're told not to do (like stick fingers in the water, etc.). But, there is a reason why they tell you to keep you hands and arms inside the logs at all times.


New Member
I saw a teenage girl get her arm/wrist caught between a test track car and the loading was a big to-do.. very interesting to watch all the suits show up out of nowhere....she and her dad made a huge scene...even though she was the idiot who wasn't paying attention


Well-Known Member
awalkinthepark said:
very interesting to watch all the suits show up out of nowhere....
Called "crises management". We do the same things, too. You know... crowd control, image protection... innocent and true accidents turn into 'loss-of-life' horror stories if left to the imagination of onlookers.


Account Suspended
Someone DID try to get out of their log on the way up the final lift hill. The got caught in the gears and died. That was only a few years ago if I remember correctly.

Now, a kid did loose his hand or leg or something on Big Thunder Mountain in Disneyland... he tried to get out before the train got to the station.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that Space is safe. I've ridden it with the lights on before and there is more room than you think. It kinda spoiled it because now I know how far I really am from the track above me and there is no longer the unknown factor. I'm pretty sure that the only way you can lose your head on Space is to do something that you're not supposed to (standing on the ride, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh....these stories are awful. I assumed things like this happened but that they are kept very hush-hush. There's a lot of people who don't it really doesn't surprise me. The thought just makes me cringe though!


Well-Known Member
It is horrible how the injuries occur. People pack their brains at the door and ignore safety warnings. You can't get hurt at Disney, right? :hammer:

I once rode POTC, and this little girl was jumping back and forth over the rows in the boat throughout most of the ride. She was very young (perhaps 4-6 years, I'd guess). The parents never asked her to stay seated as I watched in horror. It's instances like this one that get people hurt and/or killed, yet they often try to find blame in others. Like the little boy in Disneyland who got his leg caught between a BTM train and the loading platform for trying to exit too early. The family tried to sue the park. They had to have known that it wasn't time to exit, there wasn't anyplace to exit to. :brick:

Just make sure you always follow the safety warnings, they're there for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Considering the death of a man a year or two back, I see this possible but don't take it as truth until someone can prove it with a news article. :)

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