Can magic bands be shipped to UK?

Disney Coco

Original Poster
I'm going to Disney in August and i have already customised my bands.
It says when customising the band that if you enter a UK address then magic bands will be at your hotel upon arrival.

Is there anyway to get them shipped to uk?
If not has anyone got their magic bands when they got to the hotel? Was there any problems and do they come in the box?

Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
Disney doesn't ship the magic bands outside of the U.S.. They will be at the resort in the box that you would normally see them shipped in. They should be good to go once you arrive and check in.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are ready for you once you arrive at your resort and check in, we picked ours up without any problem.


Well-Known Member
The only way to get them in the UK before your trip would be to have them shipped to someone you know in the U.S. who would then turn around and re-ship them right away to you in the UK. But that's an added expense and unless the turnaround is immediate you run the risk of them not making it to you before you leave for your trip.

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Innkeeper's Club

Well-Known Member
I'm not from the UK, however I am from Canada and I can tell you that your bands will be at your resort when you check-in. I have taken two trips to WDW since all the resorts started using them and both times they were there.


Well-Known Member
But that's an added expense and unless the turnaround is immediate you run the risk of them not making it to you before you leave for your trip.


Not to mention that they have absolutely no use until you arrive at WDW, so would be a complete waste of money.

I had 4 MB's shipped to my house in the US and the box was decent size. I'm thinking it's fairly expensive to be shipping those to countries out side the US????

I bet it still costs them a fortune to ship tens of thousands of bands daily across the US. I really don't understand why they don't save themselves a fortune and have them ready at the hotel for everybody.

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