Can I handle EE?


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Original Poster
I'm not a big "thrill ride" person. I LOVE Big Thunder, Matterhorn, and Indy - but I'm worried about EE. I'm very excited about it - but a little worried the drop/speed may be too much. Can anyone compare it to BTMR or Matterhorn so I have something I've already experienced to judge the ride intensity against? Also, I'd like to go on TOT, but am REALLY apprehensive about it! How intense is it?


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first of all welcome to the boards!:wave: If you like Big thunder and matterhorn you'll be fine. People say its a more instense version of Matterhorn anyway!


Well-Known Member
EE is not is probably the smoothest coaster at WDW

If you can handle the mountains at MK, EE is no problem


Well-Known Member
Thunder Mountain on steroids is one way to describe... One thing I can add here is that I found the ride much smoother towards the front, being in the back seemed to bang my head around a little more.. You can request front row seating with a very minimal additional wait time.. If you are really worried, and are traveling with others, have someone ride the single riders line located at the fast pass return line first, and get there opinion.. Only downfall for single riders line is that you don't have a choice of where you sit..


New Member
speck76 said:
EE is not is probably the smoothest coaster at WDW

If you can handle the mountains at MK, EE is no problem
That's what I told my wife last month when we did EE. After the ride, she did not agree with me. I don't think EE is in our future. :wave:


Active Member
I'm not too big on thrill rides either, like I can't get myself to go on TOT, but I'm fine on rockin rollercoaster, splash mountain and thunder mountain. I'm not exactly afraid of the rollercoaster aspect, but the height aspect, so for someone afraid of heights, will EE be a big problem?


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
That's what I told my wife last month when we did EE. After the ride, she did not agree with me. I don't think EE is in our future. :wave:
give me a call next time you want to ride


New Member
I don't find ToT that intense anymore. It was better when they had a single drop and then brought it backup for another. Now it just bounces. I would ride EE toward the front. I rode in the very front row and the very back row. The ride in back is faster and a little rougher but that's what I like.:eek:


I didn't find EE intense at all.
This weekend I plan to ride it as much as possible to test it's intensity over multiple rides....purely for scientific reasons, of course...:D


New Member
My family was fortunate to ride EE over the presidents week holiday. You should be fine. My dad did it and he's over 70. The only weird part is the backward part in the dark but it's over so fast you don't notice it. The drop actually seemed very smooth and it didn't seem like 80 feet to me.


New Member
I'd say if you're worried, from my experience the best idea is to ride close to the front first to get a feel for the ride, and if you like it then try the back :)


New Member
PatsRule said:
I don't find ToT that intense anymore. It was better when they had a single drop and then brought it backup for another. Now it just bounces.

The first time I rode ToT, I was a little nervious, but when they pulled you up fairly fast, that was worse than the drops!

And you're right, it does bounce now.

And I'm sure you'll be fine villianess on E:E!


Well-Known Member
villianess said:
I'm not a big "thrill ride" person. I LOVE Big Thunder, Matterhorn, and Indy - but I'm worried about EE. I'm very excited about it - but a little worried the drop/speed may be too much. Can anyone compare it to BTMR or Matterhorn so I have something I've already experienced to judge the ride intensity against? Also, I'd like to go on TOT, but am REALLY apprehensive about it! How intense is it?

The drop is like on Splash Mountain and Space Mountain...just bit longer....To be honest, while you're sitting there and right before the drop, it seems like it's going to be worse than it actually is....ToT is intense, EE is fact I would say other portions of EE are more fun than the drop. You'll like the ride...

If I were you, I would do EE, then RnRc, then ToT...have fun, and let us know how it went.



New Member
To the poster who asked if you were afraid of heights and went on EE if it would scare you, well I'm afraid of heights a little (I refuse to go out on that deck of the Virgin MegaStore at Downtown Disney :lol: ) , and I wasn't bothered by the heighth at all, I thought that I would, but it wasn't that bad at all. The only part that may bother you a little is the lift to the top of the mountian, or if you are in the very front, the part where you stop at the edge of the broken track. But like I said I have a little vertigo (afraid of heights for you that don't know) , and I was fine, so have fun!


Well-Known Member
TheMagicMouse said:
But like I said I have a little vertigo (afraid of heights for you that don't know) , and I was fine, so have fun!
Um, no. Vertigo is not fear of heights. Fear of heights is Acrophobia. Vertigo is dizziness completely seperate and not related to acrophobia.

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that's characterized by the sensation of spinning. It's sometimes referred to as a hallucination of motion. Imagine what it would feel like to be placed suddenly on a roller coaster that won't stop, and you begin to understand the alarming symptom of vertigo. -source

Both my mother and grandmother suffer from vertigo. It's an actual medical condition. It can also occur on the short term as a secondary symptom in cases of illness or flu, etc.

To the original poster: Unfortunately, no one can tell you if you can handle EE or not. I'm facing this deliema myself. People will always tell you can or it's not bad, however, these are the people who never stopped to question the ride at all. i.e. it's people for whom the ride's intensity was never even remotely a consideration. I am beyond terrified of heights and any dropping sensation is utterly unbearable for me. I will not ride Splash Mountain because of this. So while I am most assurdely curious about EE, I believe it is beyond my comfort level. A bad ride can ruin my entire day, so I generally chose not to try something. You may not be the same, so if you can endure potentially hating the ride during it's duration but not have it ruin your day (due to say, lingering sickness or whatever) then by all means try it if you want. Just don't let anyone else force you or make the decision for you.

Good luck either way,


Active Member
Everest really isn't that bad; and I think that's why it's such a huge hit... something for everyone. The drop seems steep, along the lines of Splash Mountain... but it is over before you know it... and the "top" speed doesn't last very long. After that, it is basically a bunch of little bunny hills, curves, and helixes... along the lines of Big Thunder. I think you should try it... it's a great new ride :D

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