Call for Participation: Disney-Themed LEGO Display


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A little back story first: I belong to a LEGO club in central Florida. For the past 5+ years our group, the Greater Florida LEGO User Group (or GFLUG, has been asked by the LEGO Imagination Center to display our 'works of art' in front of the store during Festival of the Masters, in Downtown Disney. You can see some of our Disney-themed works of art here:

The Little Mermaid
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Peter Pan, Tink, Captain Hook, Smee & Tick-Tock

Our group is planning to go out to Anaheim, CA in July of 2008 to participate in a model train show -- we'll have a huge several-LEGO-clubs joint display.

Being both a Disney-geek and a LEGO-geek, I saw that there will be a NFFC (National Fantasy Fan Club) convention in Anaheim around the same time as the NMRA convention. I’ve been in contact with the NFFC convention planning committee, and have managed to secure a few display tables for a Disney-themed LEGO display for Sunday July 20th, 2008 during the public Disneyana Show and Sale event.

So this is a call for 'adult' (or 12 or older with adult supervision) participation; if anyone is interested in displaying Disney-themed LEGO creations and would be in the area during this time, please contact me. Otherwise, if you have children who love Disney & LEGO, please come and check us out!



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
**Prays DS12 never discovers Disney-oriented LUGs!**

His Lego obsession already costs me a small fortune! :lol:

Sounds like a wonderful display in the making! Despite the above, I'd love to see it and even bring DS along if I could, but it's a bit far for us... :cry:

Have fun! :wave:


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His Lego obsession already costs me a small fortune! :lol:

That's what my wife keeps telling me. :)

Sounds like a wonderful display in the making! Despite the above, I'd love to see it and even bring DS along if I could, but it's a bit far for us... :cry:

Well, I promise to post pictures of the event. And if all goes well, I'm hoping that the NFFC will invite our Florida-based LEGO group to display at the next Florida NFFC convention.

Most of the LEGO creations we're planning to take to Anaheim will most likely show up at next year's Festival of the Masters event, so if you can't make it out to Anaheim, look for us in front of the LEGO store during FotM.



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Wish I could go! HAve you ever considered making a SSE?

Yes, we've been talking about doing a SSE for the display. :)

A few years ago, the group did something called Legocot for FotM. It had a monorail, a Test Track, a World Showcase. A complete set of pictures can be found here. Unfortunately, the SSE from that year was more of a cube than a golf ball. For the NFFC show, we'll do a more familiar SSE.

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