Go with Canon!
I've used JVC but the best image quality for the best price is Canon! I had a JVC camcorder, but something went wrong, because it wouldn't record audio very clear and was terrible and playing back tapes. I sent it in, and the support for the camera was terrible (I called once and they didn't know where it was!) When I finally got an estimate, it would cost almost as much as a new camera, so I went with canon. It handles great! I started with a ZR65 and now have an elura 90. For the price range, I'd go with the new ZRs. Go to canondv.com for info. They've lowered the prices and the cameras are even more compact then when I bought the ZR65. I've heard that Sony has had problems with their digital camcorders and the quality isn't that great. Canon has agreat lenses and I used by ZR65 while viewing fireworks from the contemporary and I could see the monorails, firweworks, and tomorrowland great (of course, that's my opinion). I work with camcorders all the time, as I do film projects, and I wouldn't trust any other camcorder other than Canon. Good luck in your search for a camcorder and enjoy your Disney vacation!