Buying a ticket for an almost 3-year-old


New Member
Question? Going to disney in June for 6 nights. We have a two-year old that will be turning 3 in July. I know you don't have buy park tickets for children under 3, but my child is very tall for her age and very talkative, she has always looked older than she acutally is! Will I need to bring proof of her age? Will they give me a hard time at the gates? Anybody have any similar problems? Not sure what to expect, but I sure don't want to spend the extra money on a ticket for her!! Thanks for any help ya'll can give me!:hammer:
We went last May and my son was 3. He is also very tall for his age. I wasnt going to get him a ticket but we ended up getting him a 5 day park hopper plus pass. When we were at the gate the first day I figured I would hold onto the ticket and see if anyone asks for his ticket. Well this went on all week in all of the parks and not once did anyone ask. So now I still have his 5 days for the next trip. I know its a little sneaky but we really didnt get to do everything we wanted because of taking a 3 year old.(Trying to justify) Plus your daughter is still 2 so there is no issue. You could take a copy of her birth certificate if you were that concerned but I dont think anyone will give you a hard time.
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New Member
You don't say where you are from. In the UK, all children have to have their own passports now, and I one of my daughters is nearing three, I will be taking her passport with me when we go to WDW next month. Can you get any form of photo ID if you don't need a passport?
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New Member
Original Poster
I'm not aware of any kind of photo ID you can get for
a child that young? But I could be wrong. We are from the
United States so it might be different in the UK!!
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Actually I believe some local police stations will give you a photo ID of your child and laminate it. A local police department came out to my sons pre-school, took pictures and fingerprints of the children and gave them to the parents. They do this in case there was an abduction you would have their fingerprints and a recent picture of your child to give to authorities or to show to people where the child was abducted. Yuk!!! I hate talking about that stuff.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
You are on the honor system...Disney will not question you about the age of your child. If the child is two then you do not have to pay for him, and shouldn't.
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New Member
I guess the question is define "tall." If your child is freakishly large, like 4 feet tall at age 3, then you'll probably be asked. If he/she is just a bit tall for an almost 3 year old, then you absolutely don't have to buy a ticket.

We have tall-for-their-age kids in my family--four kids in total currently going from age 8 to age 3 who are amongst the tallest in their classes/amongst similar aged peers. We've been to Disney parks at least once a year since these kids were babies and never was stopped, questioned, required to show kid's birth certificate, etc upon entering any park. Basically, if your kid can pass for under 3 years of age, even if he/she is a bit large for that age, Disney doesn't care. Hell, if your kid is small and is above the age of 3 (can pass for young), they don't care. I've never seen anyone stopped and/or required to purchase an extra ticket.

I think it's always been a "don't ask/don't tell" courtesy situation. And since your kid won't be 3 until after your trip, why should you feel guilty? Save your $$, and if you still feel guilty, then buy extra goodies and souviniers.
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Well-Known Member
Save you r money for things inside the parks! We took our daughter right before she turned 3 and didn't pay and no one asked.
My friend has 3 kids ages 4,3,&2 and the 2 & 3 yr old could pass as twins, they never asked for a pass for him, so they didnt pay a gate ticket...but they sure made up for it in merchandise inside the park from those 3 kids LOL
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Beauty and the

New Member
if your child is under 3 then you really don't have a problem don't pay.
If your child just three then you still don't have a problem, pop her in her stroller as you go through the gate nobody will ever question you, we still do this with our 13year old:animwink:
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