best place to watch the shuttle launch


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Hey locals!!!!! Where is the best place to watch a shuttle launch? We are staying at POP, but have our own car, so we can drive somewhere.


New Member
Short of driving east, it probably doesn't matter.

We are not locals, but we actually watched a shuttle launch from Pop a few years ago. If you go out the front entrance of the lobby and look across the parking lot away from the building, you will be looking straight at the shuttle launch. It will look like a flash across the treeline, and then a bright speck of light rising up leaving a trail of smoke behind.

If I'd had a car, I would have driven the hour east to see it up close, but I am assuming if you are at Pop, it will be as good a place as any to see it from Orlando area...nothing will be in your way...


Premium Member
You can definitely see them from WDW; I actually saw one from the top of the Contemporary a few years ago that was amazing.

When I've gone over to see them over the years I typically go to:,-80.650077&spn=0.007455,0.016308&t=h&z=16

Park on the westbound side of the causeway and you can actually see the launchpad in the distance to the north.

One thing to keep in mind is the risk that the launch will be scrubbed for some technical or weather related reason. If they have a problem the launch will be delayed by at least 1 day before the next available launch window. It can be very frustrating to invest the time to be there to see the launch up close and then it's scrubbed 10 minutes before launch. I've actually had that happen to me multiple times in the last year.

Having said all of that, if you get the chance, especially since there are less than a handful of shuttle launches left, I would encourage you to make the effort to see it as closely as you can; it's an amazing experience.


Well-Known Member
Last March when we were staying at Pop, I missed seeing the shuttle launch by minutes! It was suppose to launch the day we were driving down to Florida, so I assumed everything went off without a hitch. Not knowing they scrapped the original launch and rescheduled it for a day or two later, I was surprised when I was walking from my room at Pop to the cafeteria for supper on the Sunday and happened to see everybody out looking to the east with video cameras in hand. I asked someone what they were looking at, and he said the Space Shuttle had just launched a minute or two ago. I could see the smoke trail plain as day, but the shuttle was already out of sight. Man, were me and the kids bummed out!!! :brick:

Like I said, I could see the trail pretty good from the ground (trail leading from 50's area to food court), but I imagine if you WERE going to stay at Pop to watch it, you would be wise to go up to the top floor of the 50's building and stand on the side facing east, the parking lot basically.


Active Member
Since you have a car and you have never been to one, I say head East to Titusville and try to watch from Space View park. Need to get there early. Bring stuff to keep you busy. Bring food and drinks etc. Will never forget viewing my first rocket from that area in the 70s. It gives a clear view( actually almost anywhere along the river in Titusville is good) and there is an excitement in the air that is just kind of cool. You can actually see initial ignition and leaving the pad.

Another good spot is a little south of Titusville on US1 Nicol Park. Still a good view.

Even watching from Cocoa Beach on the pier is a good spot. From the beaches you won't see the shuttle on the ground in most spots but will see it as it clears the buildings and trees.

There is a list of places to get good view of launches on the KSC web page. You can go to visitors center and watch from there but have never done that so not sure how good a view it is on the ground.

You can actually see a launch from WDW property. We werre at MK a week ago when they launched a Delta rocket and we saw it by accident just walking past the back of the castle. It was a pretty clear shot of the light in the sky. Definitely not like being closer, though.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks all for the great ideas. We will figure out which way to go next weekend when we get there. We actually have a friend who just informed us that she lives in a trailer across the Indian River from NASA, but we don't know if we want to get up that early to drive over there.
Either way, thanks again for your help. :wave:


Jetty Park at Port Canaveral is a good place to watch. It's very popular though, so you have to get there pretty early, and there isn't a whole lot to do while you're waiting. Plus, as has been said, launches get scrubbed all the time. So there's at least an even chance that you could drive a couple of hours round trip, and wait a couple more in the park, (plus spend about $15 in tolls and parking) and not get to see anything.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Last March when we were staying at Pop, I missed seeing the shuttle launch by minutes! It was suppose to launch the day we were driving down to Florida, so I assumed everything went off without a hitch. Not knowing they scrapped the original launch and rescheduled it for a day or two later, I was surprised when I was walking from my room at Pop to the cafeteria for supper on the Sunday and happened to see everybody out looking to the east with video cameras in hand. I asked someone what they were looking at, and he said the Space Shuttle had just launched a minute or two ago. I could see the smoke trail plain as day, but the shuttle was already out of sight. Man, were me and the kids bummed out!!! :brick:

Like I said, I could see the trail pretty good from the ground (trail leading from 50's area to food court), but I imagine if you WERE going to stay at Pop to watch it, you would be wise to go up to the top floor of the 50's building and stand on the side facing east, the parking lot basically.

We took your advice and went to the top of the 50's building facing East. The launch was awesome. We could see the separation of the main fuel tank. The sound wave reached our area about 5 minutes after takeoff and it really rumbled. The shuttle trailed from the 50's area, but to the opposite direction from the food court.

Thanks for the tip... :wave:

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