Well-Known Member
Hey. I've made a couple of posts here before, trying to figure out if a second trip in the coming years would be feasible for me and, if it is, what I'll be doing. So my question this time is, what in your opinion is the best month regarding crowds (most important) and weather (still important, but I'm pretty flexible)? I've read the month-by-month guide many blogs have put out, but those blogs are from the perspective of (usually) just one person. So I thought it would be better to make a post on here and get as many opinions as possible.
My second question is a bit more specific. Last time we stayed at the WL, and it would be cool to stay there again, but I've been looking at moderate resorts and they're just so much cheaper. Last time I posted the PO resort was highly recommended. Has anyone here stayed at both? How do the pools and room quality (are the beds comfortable, are the walls thin, etc) compare? Thanks, and sorry for bugging everyone again!
My second question is a bit more specific. Last time we stayed at the WL, and it would be cool to stay there again, but I've been looking at moderate resorts and they're just so much cheaper. Last time I posted the PO resort was highly recommended. Has anyone here stayed at both? How do the pools and room quality (are the beds comfortable, are the walls thin, etc) compare? Thanks, and sorry for bugging everyone again!