It has been heartening to see the joy that everyone has gotten out of Bernie. As serious as he always seems, he has a marvelous sense of humor and can laugh at himself. I am very familiar with Bernie having lived for 50 years in Vermont. I was working in Downtown Burlington, Vt. when he ran for Mayor. It was a longshot, and the undereducated cries of "Socialism" were just as loud and clear as it is now. He managed to beat an established "good ole boys corrupt government" that had been in power for decades. (Democrats at the time, my how times have changed) He turned out to be a very good Mayor with progressive thoughts and the area grew during his time. Amazingly he didn't attempt to create a socialist city. Except for his one run at Governor, he won just about every political race he ran in. One thing I can tell everyone regardless of political association, with Bernie having a strong influence over the cash flow of the U.S. Government, only the stuff that will help the average and poor person in America will benefit from his leadership. So swallow your misguided opinions, what the heck, maybe even read about what Democratic Socialism really is and stop backing things that are against your own interests. It's a great big beautiful tomorrow.