Originally posted by Angelique
Hmm.. *grr* I want that doll for my collection!!
Fairytale.. I'm also a doll collector. I have Barbies and Ginny Dolls. It started when I was young and now I have quite a large collection if I were to get them all in the same place at the same time! I think I might even have all the Barbie porcelien music boxes from when they came out years ago... I have so many dolls in their boxes I even forget what I have! I like the Disney Barbies muchly and I have various different ones but my mom refuses to buy them unless she can get them on sale lol... oh well.
I know this is completely off topic but which are your favs? I love my Ginny's cause those were my first but my Chistmas Belle and Monet Barbies as well as my See's Candy barbies are high on my list .
Right now I have several hundred Barbies and Kelly's! :hammer:
Nuts huh? I started collecting about 6 years ago when Toys R Us started getting in the collector dolls at GREAT prices 6 yrs ago. Examples? Oscar de la Renta ($40). Romantic Interlude ($30).
I have so many favorites! Here's a list of a few that I own and are my all time favorites:
Belle on Broadway, Signature Beast, Signature Cinderella, First Edition playline Prince Charming, Bob Mackie Goddess of Africa (woohoo!!!), Byron Lars Indigo Obsession, First Edition Japanese Doll of the World (best Asian face paint ever!), Toys R Us Spirit of the Earth and Spirit of the Sky Native American Dolls, Silkstone #5, Merlin and Morgan LaFay Set , and the Arabian Nights Set.
I know what you mean about forgetting what you have. I have dolls in boxes too. Hopefully one day I'll have a place to display them all! Will you ever take yours out of the box? I'm not a box collector. So, one day I will.
What dolls would make your collection complete (meaning: make you happy for life)? My collection would be complete with First edition playline Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, Empress Bride, King Arthur and Guinevere, and van Gogh Sunflower barbie.
Do you ever buy Barbie Bazaar Magazine? I'm a subscriber. If you don't you should buy one because stores in the magazine have really good sales on dolls. This may convince your mother to buy if the sales are great! I found the cheapest place to be Paul David World of Dolls.