Ok, my family is planning a trip to DLR this Jan. Actually we have plane tickets, hotel tickets, everything but park tickets. Since I am a Disney Store Cast Member I get myself in and two one day park hoppers but thats it. And we are going for two days and want park hopper abilities. So I am looking for info on tic's to the parks.Can I upgrade my tickets at DLR??? hmmmm.... Also I have not been there for two years. That doesn't mean I dont know what I'm doing. I went there for 14 straight years of my life. So I know where the rides, pin carts, and bathrooms are. But I have not seen anything regarding the 50th Anniv. So info about the crowds, rides, fireworks will be greatly appreciated. Our trip dates are set at Jan 2-3 of 06'. Thanks in advanvce to all. And its sooooooo good to be back on the boards.