April Crowds


I am going to WDW mid-end of April. I know April is generally a crowded time. But because Easter is in March and most of the Spring Breaks will be over, should I still expect the parks to be fairly crowded? Or, should it be a good time?:)


Active Member
We've gone the last week of April for the last two years and did not have a problem with crowds. It is only really crowded on the years Easter falls late. When Easter is in March or the first part of April, late April is a wonderful time to go. So you should have no problems with crowds this year. The only negative about the end of April are the Grad Nights. They do not really effect the crowd level from what we could tell, but the MK closes early on those nights.
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New Member
I too will be attending at this time and from what i have heard the crowds should not be horrible... either way there are extra magic hours schedueld which are sure to come in handy any time of the year! :)
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Well-Known Member
The last 3 years I've taken my trip to WDW either the first or second week of April, and found the crowds to be not much of a problem.
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Some schools in New Jersey have scheduled their Spring Break late in April. I know several people with plans for WDW but don't expect it to be to extreme. Can't really compare to my last trip which included Christmas day.
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