Anyone Smelled Something in a Ride?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
One time I went on POTC, and when we were waiting on line, I smelled something funny, something... disgusting. There was this really bad smell, and I wasn't the only one I noticed. The Castmembers started directing everyone to the line that wasn't as bad. Anyone had any experiences like this?


Well-Known Member
Could be the guests standing upwind of you. :confused: Ruling that out, many of the water rides have a particular musty smell to them. Makes me wonder how much the water gets replaced, filtered or treated in those channels. And what does the addition of those bazillion coins do to the state of the water over time?


Well-Known Member
Worst smell ever?

Well, there's a reason I wear plenty of deodorant and very, very light nylon clothing. Because walking around those parks all day, with my daypack....

Let's just say that I could help with Everest immensely by simply sitting under the Yeti with a fan blowing my sweaty self onto the track. What does mythical matted fur smell like? Sweat-soaked cotton polo shirt. :p


Well-Known Member
lol! I don't think I've ever smelled anything BAD at the most maybe the smoking area, but even then, I dont mind the smell to bad. Except when it gets in my hair.

GOOD?? Any of the places to eat, Main Street.........just about everywhere smells good.


Well-Known Member
also i could have sworn i smelled smoke this one time by the tiki room, turns out this time it really was on fire :(


Well-Known Member
We were on line for Soarin' and my 5 year old son yelled (yes, yelled), "if anyone smells a f _ _ _, it was ME".


For the rest of the 45 minutes we were on line these women next to us kept looking at him and busting out laughing.

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