Anyone seen Cirque du Soleil?


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We live in the New York area and have seen Cirque du Soleil many times. In recent years the theme has become more and more obscure. Also, we felt it was really a show for adults. However, we took our DS's (10 & 6). The younger one was pretty bored and ultimately fell asleep. I have heard that the show at WDW is more "kid friendly". Any thoughts?



New Member
I don't know about kid friendly, but I saw it about a year and 1/2 ago. The show was totally cool. There were a lot of kids in the audience and they seemed in to it.

Word of advice though: show up with plenty of time to spare.


Well-Known Member
We went a couple years ago... and I don't think I'd take my kids again for a while. It is Looooooong, and by the halfway point I was chasing my 3 year old around the hall way because she was tired of sitting. But my at the time six year old did enjoy it... so I'd guess your boys are old enough that they'd have a really good time. (and, ALL of the girls were completely delighted with the clowns... they need to have a shorter show for kids with just the clowns. They were great!) Have fun!!:wave:


New Member
me and my wife took my 10 year old sister last year and she had a great time. she still talks about it all the time. i dont think it was that long maybe 1 hour and a half:D


New Member
I've seen it twice, and my experience has been that it's enthralling for many different types of people. We had kids of around 6-8 in front of us and behind us when we saw it in March. As a single guy with no kids, I have to admit that I usually roll my eyes when I see youngsters in such a venue and think "oh no, my $80 experience is going to be ruined by cranky children". Not this time though. Both sets of kids oohed and ahhed when all the rest of us did, but didn't seem bored or disinterested by it. I think a lot of it will depend on the individual children.

All that said, I highly recommend La Nouba to anybody and everybody. It's breath-taking.


I've never seen it, but I really want to! The problem is, last year when we were there they were on a two week break. AND this year they're going on another break the day we get there. Talk about bad timing!!!


Originally posted by scottsalisbury
We live in the New York area and have seen Cirque du Soleil many times. In recent years the theme has become more and more obscure. Also, we felt it was really a show for adults. However, we took our DS's (10 & 6). The younger one was pretty bored and ultimately fell asleep. I have heard that the show at WDW is more "kid friendly". Any thoughts?


I went to see this great show last November. We had about 6 kids sitting next to us. I would say there ages ranged from about 13 - 7. They all enjoyed it and seemed to have a great time. I would think that any kid under the age of 5 would probably be just a little to young to bring to soemthing like this but other than that your kids should be of the perfect age.



New Member
While most CDS shows have more dramatic themes that are geared toward adults (as in Alegria, Varekai, etc.)

And one is going to become strictly adult (Zumanity)

I think that La Nouba @ WDW has a more playful spirit. It is more 'hip' and uses BMX motorbikes, rap music, as part of its repotoire (sp?). I think the kids would enjoy it.

Visit (I think) for more info on the show


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
We had kids of around 6-8 in front of us and behind us when we saw it in March. As a single guy with no kids, I have to admit that I usually roll my eyes when I see youngsters in such a venue and think "oh no, my $80 experience is going to be ruined by cranky children".

For the record, I never let my cranky kids stay during a show, or movie, or anything. I'm always out in the hallways chasing them around. I don't want other people's night ruined because of us!!:D I hope most people show the same courtesy!!


Well-Known Member
i saw la nouba about a year ago and was totally blown away. i don't know how anyone over the age of 3 could not be glued to the stage the entire time. anyway, i think it would be fine to take the kids. they will probably really enjoy it. this was by far the best show i have ever seen other than the lion king on broadway...


New Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
For the record, I never let my cranky kids stay during a show, or movie, or anything. I'm always out in the hallways chasing them around. I don't want other people's night ruined because of us!!:D I hope most people show the same courtesy!!

You're the exception. And I appreciate parents like you VERY much. Most parents in my experience, however, don't realize or don't care that their children talk, cry, sing, etc. during a performance other people paid to see. I actually turned around at the intermission of a performance of the Beauty and the Beast Broadway Tour and told a lady that I really appreciated that she had brought her daughter to the show, and that I thought all children should be taught to appreciate live theatre, but that I hadn't spent $65 to listen to her daughter sing along. Yes, I know it was rude, but frankly that lady isn't doing her daughter any favors by failing to teach proper theatre ettiquete. At any rate, that makes parents like you people that I admire very much. As I said before, I commend you for exposing your children to the arts, and I salute you for your consideration for your fellow patrons. The real sad thing is that you end up missing some great entertainment too. On the plus side, once your kids are a bit older, you'll all be able to enjoy these things together. Since I sat next to my parents when we saw LaNouba in March, I can tell you that being able to share such experiences is a wonderful, wonderful thing. You have much to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
You're the exception. And I appreciate parents like you VERY much. Most parents in my experience, however, don't realize or don't care that their children talk, cry, sing, etc. during a performance other people paid to see. I actually turned around at the intermission of a performance of the Beauty and the Beast Broadway Tour and told a lady that I really appreciated that she had brought her daughter to the show, and that I thought all children should be taught to appreciate live theatre, but that I hadn't spent $65 to listen to her daughter sing along. Yes, I know it was rude, but frankly that lady isn't doing her daughter any favors by failing to teach proper theatre ettiquete. At any rate, that makes parents like you people that I admire very much. As I said before, I commend you for exposing your children to the arts, and I salute you for your consideration for your fellow patrons. The real sad thing is that you end up missing some great entertainment too. On the plus side, once your kids are a bit older, you'll all be able to enjoy these things together. Since I sat next to my parents when we saw LaNouba in March, I can tell you that being able to share such experiences is a wonderful, wonderful thing. You have much to look forward to.

I second that :D well said, RPMdfw!

as for La Nouba, i saw it April was INCREDIBLE! i had seen 3 or 4 Cirque shows before then, but La Nouba became my instant favorite! imo, it's the best live show on property! definately a must see! there were many kids when i saw it as well, and they all seemed to be just as enthused as the adults. personally, i don't see how anyone (kids especially) could find Cirque boring, but to each his own, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
I do try to take the kids to as much as I possibly can, knowing that I most likely won't get to see much of it myself!:lol: But I think that every bit of exposure and stimulation they can get is really crucial to their development. La Nouba was an exception in that we usually don't venture past the children's museum. But, the older girls enjoyed it, as did my inlaws. Mostly, though, our exposure to the arts is coloring and reading and playing at home. But you're right, RPMdfw, I do think the best days are yet to come. Ah, to sit through an entire show... or... GASP! eat food while it's still warm!! Such things dreams are made of. :D Okay, I shall drift no more!!


Well-Known Member
If you're kids are too young to appreciate the show, then skip it for now if you plan to return in the future...and bring them when they're older! (presuming the show is still around then) I dont try to see everything at WDW when I go, so that there is that much more new stuff to look forward to my next visit, and that can be vrey rewarding sometimes.

I personally think that La Nouba is the best show I have seen on property, if not anywhere!


New Member
I saw it a couple years ago and went to the early show and definately wish I had gone to the later one. The children directly behind us were miserable, talking loudly through the whole thing and kicking the seats. Their parents decided to do absolutely nothing even though it must have been obvious how bored their children were. Now anywhere else in Disney I would have been perfectly fine with this, it is after all a place for children, but at a hard ticketed, $80 show I was kinda ed. If you have any chance try to catch the Cirque shows in Vegas, especially O.


Well-Known Member
I saw the show a year ago and took my daughter and 2 friends - they are teenagers though and dancers themselves for most of their lives. We all absolutely loved it! I was amazed at the whole show but especially the part were they ran/jumped up the sides of the buildings. I highly recommend this show - you won't regret it!


New Member
La Nouba is amazing. I saw it a year ago and I am trying now to figure a way to affordably go back. Thank goodness I'm a Florida resident!

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