What's the question? Does her debt become yours? Is that what you're trying to figure out?
I practice in NY, which is not a community property state, so my first statement is: consult a lawyer in your state. I can only speak in generalities, I can't give you solid legal advice.
My second statement: read the loan documents. The terms of the loan are spelled out in the documents, and no one can give you an accurate answer without reading the documents. Usually the law that governs a loan is the law of the state where you entered the contract.
My third statement: community property jurisdictions usually distinguish between what's "community property", which is acquired during the marriage, and what's "separate property", which each of the spouses owned before entering into the marriage.
The right of a creditor to reach community property in satisfaction of a debt or other obligation incurred by one or both of the spouses varies from state to state.
In other words, it's a definite maybe.