Another weather post...


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Original Poster
Now that our trip is just around the corner, I'm starting to get nervous about things. Maybe I'm just a Nervous Nelly, but I'm worried about things like the weather, somebody getting sick, or our car breaking down on the way to the airport.

I've been watching the weather in Orlando on my phone. I've rejoiced in seeing it 10 and 20 degrees lower than where I am (Texas). But, on the radio this morning I heard Florida (not sure what city) got 6 inches of rain! I'll take cloudy skies and low temps any day over 100 degree weather, and I don't mind showers either, but I don't want it to storm either!

Nothing to worry about, right? :)


Well-Known Member
Now that our trip is just around the corner, I'm starting to get nervous about things. Maybe I'm just a Nervous Nelly, but I'm worried about things like the weather, somebody getting sick, or our car breaking down on the way to the airport.

I've been watching the weather in Orlando on my phone. I've rejoiced in seeing it 10 and 20 degrees lower than where I am (Texas). But, on the radio this morning I heard Florida (not sure what city) got 6 inches of rain! I'll take cloudy skies and low temps any day over 100 degree weather, and I don't mind showers either, but I don't want it to storm either!

Nothing to worry about, right? :)

There is a tropical storm moving through central Florida right now. I'm praying for all Floridians affected...and hoping my house is in good shape. Being out of town, I worry. People, of course, are more important than my stuff! But I'd be really glad if all the people were uninjured AND my house remained intact. :)

As for vacation fun...

Orlando has a subtropical/tropical climate, which includes a rainy season. It tends to rain a bit during the rainy season. Plan for it. Have an idea of how you would like to spend a rainy day. Many people grab an umbrella or poncho and head for the parks!! :D

And No, don't worry about the forecast until you're about to board the plane or hop in the car. Weather may change. :)


Well-Known Member
Now that our trip is just around the corner, I'm starting to get nervous about things. Maybe I'm just a Nervous Nelly, but I'm worried about things like the weather, somebody getting sick, or our car breaking down on the way to the airport.

I've been watching the weather in Orlando on my phone. I've rejoiced in seeing it 10 and 20 degrees lower than where I am (Texas). But, on the radio this morning I heard Florida (not sure what city) got 6 inches of rain! I'll take cloudy skies and low temps any day over 100 degree weather, and I don't mind showers either, but I don't want it to storm either!

Nothing to worry about, right? :)

Reality is, June is the beginning if the Atlantic hurricane season. It's a tropical storm that's hitting Florida right now. Just come prepared to deal with heavy rain at any moment.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Now that our trip is just around the corner, I'm starting to get nervous about things. Maybe I'm just a Nervous Nelly, but I'm worried about things like the weather, somebody getting sick, or our car breaking down on the way to the airport.

I've been watching the weather in Orlando on my phone. I've rejoiced in seeing it 10 and 20 degrees lower than where I am (Texas). But, on the radio this morning I heard Florida (not sure what city) got 6 inches of rain! I'll take cloudy skies and low temps any day over 100 degree weather, and I don't mind showers either, but I don't want it to storm either!

Nothing to worry about, right? :)

"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."

Baz Luhrmann: Everybody's free to wear sunscreen


Well-Known Member
There is a tropical storm moving through central Florida right now. I'm praying for all Floridians affected...and hoping my house is in good shape. Being out of town, I worry. People, of course, are more important than my stuff! But I'd be really glad if all the people were uninsured AND my house remained intact. :)

Why would you hope for all the people to be uninsured? Won't it cost them a lot of money if they are hurt, or their property is damaged?

Personally, I'd rather all the people have good insurance policies, but remain uninjured.

BTW- just kidding. As I was typing this on my iPad, it autocorrected uninjured, into uninsured.


Well-Known Member
Already fixed. I really wish the autocorrect would just die. Much rather have my typos and errors go through than have it changing the entire meaning of what I'm trying to get across.

I hope everyone remains safe, has insurance (!) and doesn't need to use it...including me and MY house. :)
I know what you mean. I constantly have to edit posts after I post them and read them again.


Well-Known Member
I get the same way. Check the car all over to be sure nothing is wrong.... tires o.k?...yup, oil level ?.. yup, gas tank filled?...yup, hoses look o.k.?...yup. Check airline for delays/cancellations? yup, recheck flight info? ...yup
You want to be at Disney soooo bad and you want to have a good start to that departure day. I breathe a huge sigh of relief after we've taken off, and a few hours later the plane touches down and we reach the Orlando gate. From there I look at it as being the real beginning of my trip.
Just got a call last night from friends who were in Epcot yesterday. They were going around the World Showcase and got to Mexico when a heavy downpour began. They said it lasted nearly 2 hours. They were planning on eating somewhere else but just decided to take advantage of the rain and decided to stay inside and eat in Mexico.
Hoping it will all blow by by the time you get to Disney.;)


Well-Known Member
Don't let the weather bother you too much. The wife and I went to DHS this morning despite the rain. We needed rain jackets and umbrellas but we were able to ride a lot. From 9 to 12 we rode TSMM twice, TOT twice, Aerosmith, Star Tours and GMR once. So if you don't mind your clothes and feet getting a little wet you can do a lot since many folks stay away on rainy days.
"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."

Baz Luhrmann: Everybody's free to wear sunscreen

I just want to give proper credits on those lyrics. This was taken from a 1997 column by Pulitzer prize winning columnist from the Chicago Tribune, Mary Schmich.

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