Announced Today!! Star Wars Weekends Extended!!!


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WOOHOO!!! My roomie who is a *cough* friend of the Stormtroopers *cough* came home today and told me that it was announced today that Star Wars Weekends will last an extra two weekends. Now, instead of June 12th as the last day, it will now be Sunday the 26th.

It was also announced previously that this would be the last year for SWW. But since the turn out has been in record numbers this year...they are reconsidering that. So, Take advantage of those extra days & visit Guest Relations on your way out...let them know how much you love SWW!!!


Active Member

nope! she ain't foolin! I got confirmation from another *cough* friend of someone ;-)

enjoy and may the force be with you!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Sapphire said:
WOOHOO!!! My roomie who is a *cough* friend of the Stormtroopers *cough* came home today and told me that it was announced today that Star Wars Weekends will last an extra two weekends. Now, instead of June 12th as the last day, it will now be Sunday the 26th.

It was also announced previously that this would be the last year for SWW. But since the turn out has been in record numbers this year...they are reconsidering that. So, Take advantage of those extra days & visit Guest Relations on your way out...let them know how much you love SWW!!!

Want some cough drops? I got some lemon flavor. :) :animwink:

But seriously, this is pretty great. My family is planning on going this summer, and maybe we can go around that time.


New Member
Original Poster
imagineer boy said:
Want some cough drops? I got some lemon flavor. :) :animwink:

But seriously, this is pretty great. My family is planning on going this summer, and maybe we can go around that time.

LOL mmm lemon...thanks! :slurp:

If you can get a chance to check it out...DO IT!!! Be sure you get there early, not because of the crowds or anything, but because in the morning the Stormtroopers are on the roof of the turnstiles and they heckle the entering guests. Out of everything to see there, that is always one of my fav moments to watch. It's just a nice touch to let you know that things inside will be a little different than a usual weekend at MGM!


New Member
Well, here's a third confirmation. Just had a cast member/family member check and it sure has been extended to the 26th. Woot!


Well-Known Member
Sapphire said:
WOOHOO!!! My roomie who is a *cough* friend of the Stormtroopers *cough* came home today and told me that it was announced today that Star Wars Weekends will last an extra two weekends. Now, instead of June 12th as the last day, it will now be Sunday the 26th.

It was also announced previously that this would be the last year for SWW. But since the turn out has been in record numbers this year...they are reconsidering that. So, Take advantage of those extra days & visit Guest Relations on your way out...let them know how much you love SWW!!!

BEAT ME TO IT! Found out earlier today!


I am so glad. This will be the first SWW (or any special event for that matter) I will attend. The 26th will be my first day in DMGM (& I know I'm going there that day because we have reservations for Hollywood & Vine). I know everything is 'subject to change' but if I do get to see it, it would be pretty cool.

That is awesome! I will be at DMGM on the 24th! Does anybody know how I can pick up tickets for autographs if there are any celebs there? Thanks for your help!



Active Member
If they have it next year then there will be Star Wars Weekends for the next two years. I don't see how Disney would miss an opportunity to cash in on the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars in 2007. There is rumors of the original film being re-released into Theaters and call it a hunch but I think that's when we'll get the new Star Tours ride completed.


Active Member
Of course, less up-with-the-times CM's have been known to give bad info to guests, but a CM at the Indy shop (where I bought my SWW merch) told me that "the artist who designs the merchandise and logo artwork for the SWW event just announced his retirement for next year." She indicated that this meant there would probably be a 2006 SWW event since he would design it this year. She said they hear new info every day about whether there will be one beyond this year but that it has been huge this year.

Also, granted D-MGM is not my favorite park so I don't spend a whole lot of time there but, aside from major holidays, D-MGM was friggin' packed this past weekend!! I have never seen it so packed. Same CM said it was partly b/c of the SWW (ppl thinking this was still the last weekend) and partly that this was the 1st weekend kids were out of school. Crazy!!

This my 1st SWW weekend ever so I made all the newbie mistakes I'm sure you could make. I had no idea that you had to get there in the wee-hours to get a FastPass to see the Mayhew (SW celeb) Q&A. Only ppl with FastPass tickets got into the Celeb event. I liked the SWW event a lot (of course, the Star Tours area was madness and that walkway was never particularly wide to begin with) but I think my only "comment" is that info about it was not very well distributed. Beach Club (where I stayed) did not have any info about it at all. The only info about it I ever saw was at D-MGM itself.

That was also the same day the two cars crashed into each other 10-mins into Lights, Motors, Action! after it had just pored rain. Anyone else see that show? 4:00 show I think (FP was for 3:05-3:15 return). Also, load of that theatre was not very organized. It became a free-for-all with CM's losing the battle.


Well-Known Member
CSUFSteve said:
That was also the same day the two cars crashed into each other 10-mins into Lights, Motors, Action! after it had just pored rain. Anyone else see that show? 4:00 show I think (FP was for 3:05-3:15 return). Also, load of that theatre was not very organized. It became a free-for-all with CM's losing the battle.
:eek: Whoa! That's the first I've heard about this....I want a full account (PM me if you have to). I hate the loading of that theater...I've never felt more like part of a herd of cattle.

Anyway, back to SWW. My very first SWW was May 2000, I believe...maybe 1999. It was crazy, but really fun. I saw Carrie Fisher and Jeremy Bullock (Boba Fett). There was a Star Tours ride-a-thon to see who could ride it the most in one day (which I really wanted to participate in, but didn't, as it was my last day), and a dance party in the evening with the Cantina Band playing and all the characters out for pictures. Great fun! But this year was INSANE!! They had the ST gift shop roped off and guarded by security guards - the only way to get in was to ride ST. Then they had the Indiana Jones gift store turned into a SWW gift store (which highly upset me because I love that gift shop!) which was also guarded by CM' was a 45 min wait just to even get into the gift shop to even look around! Back in 1999/2000 all the characters and celebrities were in the ST area, but this year they were all over the place! Peter Mayhew's autographing area was by Backlot Tour and Darth Vader's meet n greet was on Mickey Avenue - again, a 40 min wait just to see DV...I really wanted my pic with him, but there was no way I was waiting 40 min. for him on my last day. So I got my pic taken in front of his very large poster at the entrance.

So YAY for those of you who will now be able to experience it due to its extension...but thank God I won't be there dealing with the craziness.

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