Animal Kingdom - South America


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Location - Some undeveloped area of Animal Kingdom
Design- 3 areas. Rainforest, the ruins of Cuzco (nothing to do with Emperor's New Groove) and Peru/those cool plains things with the giant animal paintings.

Guests would first enter the rain forest area to see many South American animals. Huge trees and waterfalls as well as artificial rain bring the area into a true rain forest. A Canopy Boat ride will go below on a river for guests to see the animals in closer view.

Ride: Amazon River Tour. Guests view animals on a relaxing boat ride simple and cheap design. Biggest moment is going through a waterfall into a cavern.

Guests then enter Cuzco. An area with many exhibits on the South American native culture. Shows and such will be the focus as well as an interesting Rollercoaster.

Rollercoaster- (no name decided, Project Cuzco). The ride will go through the temples and underground chambers of Cuzco. Designed to be very fast but smooth and overall fun. No inversions, molded chairs, LSM launch at a steady pace up to probably 100 mph.

Guests will then venture up the mountain and end up in the Peru area as well as those cool plains with the painted animals and such. There will be a tower to view as well as a cool I-max style theatre for a show on the paintings. Guests will be able to board a trolly to return to the main entrance to South America.

Brick Tamland

New Member
That sounds very cool, if I were Michael Eisner, which I am.....:lookaroun , I would put it in.

p.s. Im not Michael Eisner.....
p.s.s....and if I was i would'nt come here, Grizz would maul me.


Well-Known Member
I'd much rather have South America than Australia, great ideas....I think you should take it easy on the artificial rain thing though....why not artificial mist instead?

How about putting in an Anaconda themed roller coaster? or a copy of Tokyo's "Raging Spirits"?


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stitchcastle said:
I'd much rather have South America than Australia, great ideas....I think you should take it easy on the artificial rain thing though....why not artificial mist instead?

How about putting in an Anaconda themed roller coaster? or a copy of Tokyo's "Raging Spirits"?

Because there is no need really for that all. The coaster I put could easily be hidden and yet procure a cheap theme. I honestly don't think you suggestions you gave would be smart at all. But besides that, Macchu Picchu would be a great idea too. Maybe that instead of Cuzco.

Wannabe Walt

New Member
DarkMeasures, artificial rain would be neat, but harder to hide the sourse and it would be much more expensive. Artificial mist would also be rather neat looking. Mist would actually be more realistic because the guests would be walking on the floor of the "rainforest" which is very, very vegitated above it. All the trees pretty well gather the rain and what is left is mist. I think mist would be better, also, guests could use Mist as a cool-off and not a soaker. Rain would be a cool-off and a soaker. Just some thoughts.


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Well the rain would not actually be aimed at the paths. What would probably be done is large hidden towers with sprinklers on top would be used as well as mist. I would make a simple map or something but for some reason, paint isn't installed on this computer...

Wannabe Walt

New Member
OOO! IDEA! You could have some of the HUGE Rainforest trees be the towers! They could have the "bowl" at the top which is covered (beneath) with branches and stuff then they would never know!


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Well 90% of the trees would be real. Because it should be real. But there would still be stuff over the trees. Oh, and here is an idea. Overhead walkways above the main path showing more animals and maybe for access to higher elevation areas.

And due to Peru and the plains being much higher than the rainforest, there is room for a very huge ride. Like the Kong building at universal huge. The coaster will not use that area making it that an awsome ride can be built sometime in the future. Like a cool boat ride or an EMV ride or another coaster or even an omnimover.

But I prefer EMV over all the others because it can be adapted to serve so many different purposes and experiences. As I say, it could be called the modern version of the Omnimover.


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I drew maps and stuff like that and I am now ready for a much more detailed look at South America. It is still separated into 3 areas.

Amazon: The Rain Forest
-This is the entrance area to the land. Once crossing the bridge here, the path splits itself up and overall forms a large distorted figure eight. At the entrance is a small rainforest village with several stores, and a sit-down restaurant which serves Brazillian cuisine. There are many trees and many special hidden platforms allow the vegetation to appear much higher than what is is. There are also a series of fake tries with a special sprinkler system on the tops to simulate artificial rain. Below, fog machines make a nice cool mist. Below, a nice cool river snakes under the paths and many covered boats are seen passing. There are also many animal exhibits along the side.
*Attraction*- Canopy Walkways- Here, guests can walk up to the very tree tops and see many exotic species of birds and other animals. The paths wind all along the treetops and are built to actually be wide enough for 2 wheel-chairs and are built at angles to allow them to travel and yet the paths feel as if they are wooden and suspended.
*Attraction*- Rainforest Cruise- Guests board for a trip along the Amazon river. Here they see many exotic animals, ancient temples and eventually enter a dark cave. The boats themselves are covered and feature a live tour guide much like living with the land. The river itself flows too which means that when the boat reaches the end, it must actually go up a small lift.

Incan Ruins- Here guests visit an ancient Incan city with a centerpiece of a large temple. The rest is an ancient village with many interesting exhibits. The whole area is actually on a large building that is hidden by berms on all visible sides. Inside this building are the show rooms for a rollercoaster/darkride.
*attraction*- Incan Legends- Based on the best fitting Incan legend for the attraction, guests enter through the front of the Incan temple and end up going deep underground. Through the twisting chambers, they board large cars very similar to the Mummy at Universal. These cars though, have one difference, they are made to be able to turn 90 degrees to the left or right for show scenes. The ride begins with several show scenes inside the hidden building before hitting a large hill in the temple. Here, the cars accelerate to speeds of 100mph and rush outside on a very smooth and gradual track hidden from guest view. Even though it is fast, the ride isn't made to be intense but instead hold an awsome experience that is made for everyone to have fun. At the end, the car returns and goes through several more scenes before unloading.

Peru, Nazca Plains: Themed to those large carvings in the earth of the many animals and geometric shapes. This whole are is actually on a large showbuilding that is currently used for nothing but the show building is so large, it can easily hold 2 E-ticket attractions. There really isn't much on top but an observation post, some snack vendors and shop stalls. The observation post is the main attraction for it allows for the lines to be seen. Also on this is the mountain lift.
*attraction*-Mountain Lift- Basically a skyway from the lower amazon level to the Nazca area. The biggest reason for this is to allow faster travel. Unlike the old skyway, these pods are built to be easy to load wheel chairs, be less labor indusive on CMs and protect the guests from falling out. While on this, the guests can see the plain lines as well.
*attraction*-Nazca Theatre- A phase two attraction. A large theatre is to be built ajacent and is most likely to use the full height of its location. Other plans are confidential.

On the map I drew, I planned the are as a giant wedge. It could easily fit in anywhere in Animal Kingdom, from between Everest and Dinoland, to camp minnie mickey or the areas next door.

Wannabe Walt

New Member
sorry but I think 100 mph is pushing it. I would go for no more than 70. Is 100 on a coaster even possible (safety wise?). If I understand correctly, its not. Theres a limit and its below 100.


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Wannabe Walt said:
sorry but I think 100 mph is pushing it. I would go for no more than 70. Is 100 on a coaster even possible (safety wise?). If I understand correctly, its not. Theres a limit and its below 100.

You like one of those people who said 10mph is impossible because the human body would rip apart.

Anyway, 100 mph is fine. There is nothing wrong with it.
Superman does it fine.
Top Thrill does it fine.
That one in New Jersey will do it fine.
That one in Japan does it fine.

Maglevs do it fine.
So do airplanes.
And so does my car.
And so does the Test Track cars.

There really isn't a problem. First of all, this ride would probably have a height of less than 50 feet. There aren't any hills either for problem. It would be using a LSM system, something Disney has been familiar with since 1975. Brakes are designed to be fail safe, and magnetic breaks work very well. Plus, it would not be the launch like Rock N Rollercoaster but a very gradual increase in speed. There would be no worry.

Wannabe Walt

New Member
Okay...but airplanes are inclosed, cars aren't legal to drive at 100 on highways (In the USA), and the test track cars do about 65 on the ride.


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So what? I still don't understand why you think it is impossible to go 100 mph.

I mean there are so many rides that go past it. I mean Top Thrill goes 120mph.

And Test Track was designed to reach 100mph. It wouldn't hurt the system at all if it were to do so, the problem is that the track would need to be banked more and there really isn't room for that.

But there are about 5 coasters that already top 100mph. Both on the LSM and Hydraulics front.

If you think it would hurt the people going 100mph, no it doesn't. I went on the Slingshot at Old Town and that thing went over 100mph and I felt no problem. Human indurance is much greater than you think. You do experience 20gs when you sneeze.


New Member
If any of you have been to the redwood forest the fog is so dense there the redwoods collect the fog and it seems like it is sent to the forest floor through a garden hose! So like for rain effect...mist above the canpoy and it would collect and be sent to the floor like rain instead of misting the paths and so on...I think the rain idea is super cool i would love to visit..oh yeah and umbrellas would be such a cool souviner. By the way I am new here so hi!:wave:



New Member
wiggle said:
If any of you have been to the redwood forest the fog is so dense there the redwoods collect the fog and it seems like it is sent to the forest floor through a garden hose! So like for rain effect...mist above the canpoy and it would collect and be sent to the floor like rain instead of misting the paths and so on...I think the rain idea is super cool i would love to visit..oh yeah and umbrellas would be such a cool souviner. By the way I am new here so hi!:wave:


I'm new, too! Hey everyone.:animwink:

South America would be cool, and that fog/mist effect would be awesome. Looking forward to take my sister to that roller coaster ride (I know it's not REALLY being built).


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Maybe if I get a new computer I will build it in RCT3 or wait until after college and make a complete CGI video.... but then again... I would probably have other ideas on my mind.

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