There is no obejct per se. If you want to collect say all the fish, there are 40, by fishing continously, you get a trophy, you are trying to enlarge your house, make friends, get rare items. If you like the Sims you will love this game. If you need a game where there is continous action and big name adventure, don't get this game. It is humdrum, and that is why I LOVE it, there is no pressure to beat a level, no pressure to try to beat some ridicously hard level like in Mario Sunshine, which has been shelved in my library, lol.
It is a completley unique game, which is why I am crazy about it. I play it at my own pace, my wife plays it, so does my sister. The trading part is AWESOME, i love trading with Mark and Sue.
ONe of the coolest things is that you can play classic NES games like Excitebike, DK JR. soccer baseball etc..
I would recommend renting it if you are totally unsure, try it out.
Basically what the deal is with the game always going is this, it is played in real time, if it is 9:00 am in your world, its that time in game. Basically the game cube time sets what time it is when you start the game, the game figures out what would have happened while you have been gone and then brings it to you. Mail gets delivered, people move out and in, etc.. If you are gone for a long time, people get mad at you, your house gets dirty with roaches and your trees may die because of weeds.
Let us know if you get it, we would love to trade with you
p.s. there is no point to this game