If you're park-hopping, your only option to get multipass is the parkhopper multipass, which is basically Magic Kingdom Multipass priced. I am fairly certain it's possible to get both a Lightning Lane for FoP and GotG, too.
That said I'd say it's probably worth the cost. From 11am (when you arrive at AK) to 9pm (when Epcot closes), you can get up to eight shorter lines via the multipass, plus the single passes for FoP and GotG.
At Animal Kingdom, you'll want to check out Kilimanjaro Safaris, Dinosaur, and Everest. All three plus Pandora is possible within an 11-3 timeframe if you have multipass. You'd want to aim for 10:30 - 11:30, 11:30 -12:30, 12:30 - 1:30, and 1:30 - 2:30 windows for Dinosaur, Everest, Kilimanjaro, and Na'vi River Journey respectively, then 2:30 - 3:30 for FoP. You can swap out Kilimanjaro or Everest for Festival of the Lion King, the Nemo show, the bird show, or Kali if you'd like. From there, give yourself about an hour to parkhop to Epcot - so, supposing you get in line for FoP at 2:30, and ride at 2:45, don't expect to get to Epcot until around 3:50.
But when you *do* get to Epcot, if you have Lightning Lane for Guardians, have it be in the 3:30-4:30 timeframe. With your multipass, slot in return times for every hour chunk - that gives you about 4 rides from 4:30 - 8:30. Any array of Spaceship Earth, Soarin', LwtL, Nemo, Mission Space (honestly don't need a FP for this one), Frozen and Ratatouille works here; remember, Test Track is closed. Then you can find a spot for the fireworks. The neat thing is that you'll be saving enough time in line that it shouldn't be too hard to find time to eat and just enjoy the atmosphere of the parks between rides.
You can make your first three LLMP reservations ahead of time! If you're staying on-site, it's 7 days before check-in, plus up to 14 days out from your check-in. If you're off-site, it'll be 3 days before your park day. On either day, those reservations start at 7AM.
Keep in mind after you make your first three reservations with LLMP, you have to wait until you ride one of them to make more. So, when you're waiting in line for Dinosaur or immediately after riding, it's a good time to quickly nab a FP for Na'vi River Journey. Then waiting for Everest or immediately after, grabbing one for your first non-Guardians Epcot ride. And so on.
I THINK you can't have LLSP and LLMP times overlap ... but if someone corrects me and you can, it'd be smart to try to have overlap between NRJ and FoP, and between GotG and either Spaceship Earth or Nemo.
Also I'm not sure what your plans are for the rest of your trip, or if this is a day trip. If this is part of a longer trip and you're staying on property, I might suggest having this AK->EP day be on June 9th instead. That's a Monday, and Monday tends to be the Extended Evening Hours day for Epcot. That'll give you another 2 hours to do even more stuff. One of my favorite things to do is, when leaving Epcot, go on Spaceship Earth.... hard to do that without EEH!
Also also, keep in mind, even though park reservations are no longer necessary just to visit, you will need to make a park reservation for Animal Kingdom to make Lightning Lane selections.